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Sanguine EsportsSanguine Esportslogo std
vs. Team Allegiancelogo stdTeam Allegiance
Game 1
Team Allegiance 1 0 Sanguine Esports
Ne ZhaSquareRaSquareGuan YuSquareRamaSquare Bans Erlang ShenSquareTerraSquareThorSquareGebSquare
GoldIcon 100.6k KillsIcon 20 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 43:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 11 KillsIcon 71.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
VamanaSquare CycloneSpin 20 8 2 11 MeditationTeleport Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the Nemean Lion 23k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare Weak3n 20 2 2 12 PurificationBlink Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDoom OrbItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconMagi's Blessing 21.1k{{#if:
NoxSquare MLCst3alth 20 3 0 13 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul ReaverItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 19.1k{{#if:
SobekSquare PolarBearMike 20 2 3 11 ShellSprint Item IconSovereigntyItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconVoid StoneItem IconMantle of Discord 17.5k{{#if:
AnhurSquare Oceans 20 5 4 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWind DemonItem IconNinja TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 20k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Nika 20 1 3 4 TeleportSprint Item IconRunic ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSpirit Robe 16.4k{{#if:
AthenaSquare Cherryo 20 3 5 6 PurificationShell Item IconWinged BladeItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconVoid StoneItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconCelestial Legion Helm 17.2k{{#if:
ScyllaSquare TheDarkDodo 20 1 1 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBulwark of HopeItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconSoul Reliquary 15.8k{{#if:
FafnirSquare Murrdurr 19 1 6 7 WrathShell Item IconTalismanItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconMantle of Discord 15.2k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Arkkyl 20 5 5 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTitan's BaneItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconOdysseus' BowItem IconQin's SaisItem IconAsiItem IconRage 17.5k{{#if:
11/19/2016 10:00 (PST) 13:00 (EST) 19:00 (CET) 03:00 (KST)

Luminosity GamingLuminosity Gaminglogo std
vs. Team Allegiancelogo stdTeam Allegiance
Game 1
Team Allegiance 1 0 Luminosity Gaming
Ao KuangSquareSobekSquareRatatoskrSquareThorSquare Bans TerraSquareAthenaSquareFile:AnnhurSquare.pngHou YiSquare
GoldIcon 72.4k KillsIcon 20 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 26:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 5 KillsIcon 52.7k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
Erlang ShenSquare CycloneSpin 20 4 1 14 TeleportCurse Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconSpirit Robe 15.6k{{#if:
AwilixSquare Weak3n 20 5 1 12 BlinkPurification Item IconMagi's CloakItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconQin's Sais 15.4k{{#if:
ScyllaSquare MLCst3alth 20 9 1 7 SanctuaryBlink Item IconPolynomiconItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 14.5k{{#if:
SylvanusSquare PolarBearMike 17 1 3 3 BlinkSprint Item IconWinged BladeItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconSovereigntyItem IconLotus CrownItem IconSpirit RobeItem Icon 13.2k{{#if:
MedusaSquare Oceans 19 0 4 1 SanctuaryPurification Item Icon8-Pointed ShurikenItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconAsiItem IconRage 13.8k{{#if:
VamanaSquare ScaryD 20 4 1 14 TeleportCurse Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconWinged BladeItem IconCloak 10.4k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Masked 17 1 4 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconMaceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem Icon 10.7k{{#if:
JanusSquare XenoTronics 18 2 3 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconSpell FocusItem Icon 10.5k{{#if:
BacchusSquare JeffHindla 13 1 3 3 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconSovereigntyItem IconPestilenceItem Icon 9.3k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png BaRRaCCuDDa 19 0 4 1 SanctuaryPurification Item IconItem IconNinja TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 11.8k{{#if:
11/19/2016 11:00 (PST) 14:00 (EST) 20:00 (CET) 04:00 (KST)

Flash Point eSportsFlash Point eSportslogo std
vs. Dignitaslogo stdDignitas
Game 1
Flash Point eSports 1 0 Dignitas
RatatoskrSquareSobekSquareScyllaSquareRaSquare Bans TerraSquareErlang ShenSquareOdinSquareVamanaSquare
GoldIcon 84.7k KillsIcon 12 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 35:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 9 KillsIcon 71.6k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare Benj1 20 1 2 5 TeleportMeditation Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWinged BladeItem IconGenji's GuardItem IconSpirit Robe 17.7k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare Homiefe 20 7 4 4 PurificationBlink Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconSpear of DesolationItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconWinged Blade 18.9k{{#if:
NeithSquare Hurriwind 20 1 1 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconThe Crusher 15.7k{{#if:
AthenaSquare Shadowq 20 2 1 7 ShellCurse Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconCloak of Concentration 15.4k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Vetium 20 1 1 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconNinja TabiItem IconOdysseus' BowItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 17k{{#if:
BellonaSquare Duck3y 20 3 4 3 SprintTeleport Item IconSilver BreastplateItem IconNinja TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconMantle of Discord 14.5k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare FrostiaK 20 1 3 6 SprintPurification Item IconMaceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconDeathbringerItem IconMantle of Discord 14.9k{{#if:
ZeusSquare ShadowNightmare 20 3 2 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconRod of TahutiItem Icon 13.7k{{#if:
SylvanusSquare BigManTingz 18 1 0 7 ShellBlink Item IconItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconBulwark of Hope 12.8k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Suntouch 20 1 3 1 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 15.7k{{#if:
11/19/2016 12:00 (PST) 15:00 (EST) 21:00 (CET) 05:00 (KST)

Orbit eSportOrbit eSportlogo std
vs. Dignitaslogo stdDignitas
Game 1
Dignitas 1 0 Orbit eSport
RatatoskrSquareSobekSquareScyllaSquareRaSquare Bans TerraSquareErlang ShenSquareOdinSquareVamanaSquare
GoldIcon 54.8k KillsIcon 14 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 20:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 2 TowersIcon 3 KillsIcon 45.3k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare Duck3y 20 4 0 7 MeditationTeleport Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconPestilenceItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconCloak 11.6k{{#if:
ThorSquare FrostiaK 16 2 2 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMaceItem Icon 10.8k{{#if:
JanusSquare ShadowNightmare 19 4 0 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRestored ArtifactItem Icon 11k{{#if:
FafnirSquare BigManTingz 14 1 1 6 ShellCurse Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of FocusItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSovereigntyItem IconItem Icon 9.6k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Suntouch 20 3 0 7 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeath's TollItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconShort Sword 11.8k{{#if:
SobekSquare Xaliea 17 0 3 1 SprintWrath Item IconMark of the VanguardItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid StoneItem IconCloakItem Icon 9.4k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare QvoFred 16 1 3 2 PurificationBlink Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconHeavy MaceItem Icon 9.9k{{#if:
ZeusSquare Lawbster 16 0 4 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconTiny TrinketItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconSpell FocusItem Icon 8.4k{{#if:
Guan YuSquare Trixtank 14 1 2 2 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced GreavesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSilver TalismanItem IconItem Icon 8.2k{{#if:
SolSquare Funballer 17 1 2 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconTiny TrinketItem IconShoes of FocusItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconSpell Focus 9.4k{{#if:
11/19/2016 13:00 (PST) 16:00 (EST) 22:00 (CET) 06:00 (KST)

Sanguine EsportsSanguine Esportslogo std
vs. Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming
Game 1
Luminosity Gaming 1 0 Sanguine Esports
AthenaSquareNe ZhaSquareGebSquareBacchusSquare Bans TerraSquareSusanoSquareOdinSquareFile:Jing WeiSquare.png
GoldIcon 62.9k KillsIcon 18 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 22:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 4 KillsIcon 46.1k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare ScaryD 20 5 2 6 WrathTeleport Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconVoid Shield 13.4k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare Masked 19 5 1 8 PurificationBlink Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian Shard 13k{{#if:
JanusSquare XenoTronics 19 2 1 11 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconSpear of the MagusItem IconLost Artifact 11.9k{{#if:
SobekSquare JeffHindla 16 1 0 9 ShellCurse Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconPestilenceItem IconSovereigntyItem IconMagi's Cloak 10.8k{{#if:
RamaSquare BaRRaCCuDDa 20 5 0 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTitan's BaneItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem IconHeavy Mace 13.8k{{#if:
Erlang ShenSquare Nika 15 1 6 0 SprintTeleport Item IconDeath's TollItem IconNinja TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconMagi's CloakItem Icon 8.8k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare Cherryo 18 1 0 3 BlinkPurification Item IconAdventurer's BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 10.9k{{#if:
RaSquare TheDarkDodo 16 0 4 3 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul StoneItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem IconSoul TrapItem IconItem Icon 8.5k{{#if:
AresSquare Murrdurr 14 1 5 1 BlinkShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSovereigntyItem IconItem Icon 8.4k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Arkkyl 17 1 3 0 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem Icon 9.6k{{#if:
11/19/2016 14:00 (PST) 17:00 (EST) 23:00 (CET) 07:00 (KST)

Flash Point eSportsFlash Point eSportslogo std
vs. Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming
Game 1
Flash Point eSports 1 0 Luminosity Gaming
TerraSquareSobekSquareSolSquareFreyaSquare Bans NemesisSquareAo KuangSquareVamanaSquareAmaterasuSquare
GoldIcon 102.1k KillsIcon 21 TowersIcon 1 PhoenixesIcon 3 47:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 1 TowersIcon 15 KillsIcon 91.7k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
RavanaSquare Benj1 20 7 1 10 WrathTeleport Item IconPestilenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHide of the Nemean Lion 22k{{#if:
CamazotzSquare Homiefe 20 7 3 11 BlinkPurification Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconSpirit Robe 22k{{#if:
JanusSquare Hurriwind 20 2 6 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul ReaverItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 18.2k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Shadowq 20 0 3 12 MeditationShell Item IconEmperor's ArmorItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconMantle of Discord 17.3k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Vetium 20 5 2 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconNinja TabiItem IconOdysseus' BowItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 22.6k{{#if:
Erlang ShenSquare ScaryD 20 3 4 8 WrathTeleport Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconNinja TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconMantle of Discord 18.6k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Masked 20 4 5 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWinged BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconMantle of Discord 18.7k{{#if:
RaijinSquare XenoTronics 20 4 5 5 SanctuaryPurification Item IconWinged BladeItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 17.2k{{#if:
AthenaSquare JeffHindla 20 3 2 10 ShellMeditation Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconMidgardian Mail 16.9k{{#if:
RamaSquare BaRRaCCuDDa 20 1 5 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconNinja TabiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's Bane 20.2k{{#if:
11/19/2016 15:00 (PST) 18:00 (EST) 00:00 (CET) 08:00 (KST)

Orbit eSportOrbit eSportlogo std
vs. Flash Point eSportslogo stdFlash Point eSports
Game 1
Orbit eSport 1 0 Flash Point eSports
AthenaSquareJanusSquareThorSquareAmaterasuSquare Bans TerraSquareAo KuangSquareRaSquareZeusSquare
GoldIcon 94.4k KillsIcon 27 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 40:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 13 KillsIcon 76.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
Guan YuSquare Xaliea 20 5 1 17 SprintTeleport Item IconMagi's BlessingItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWinged BladeItem IconMantle of Discord 19.1k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare QvoFred 20 6 3 12 PurificationBlink Item IconDeathbringerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's Bane 19.8k{{#if:
ScyllaSquare Lawbster 20 6 3 14 PurificationSanctuary Item IconEnchanted SpearItem IconPolynomiconItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 17.8k{{#if:
KhepriSquare Trixtank 20 1 4 17 ShellCurse Item IconMagi's BlessingItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconSovereigntyItem IconMantle of Discord 17.6k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Funballer 20 8 2 10 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconNinja TabiItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRageItem IconWind Demon 20.1k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Benj1 20 1 6 7 WrathTeleport Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSpirit Robe 16.1k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Homiefe 20 3 4 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconRunic ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconHydra's LamentItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconTitan's Bane 15.9k{{#if:
AgniSquare Hurriwind 20 1 6 9 SanctuaryPurification Item IconItem IconDivine RuinItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSoul ReaverItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconChronos' Pendant 13.5k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Shadowq 19 2 6 7 CurseShell Item IconSpectral ArmorItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconSovereigntyItem IconBulwark of HopeItem Icon 13.9k{{#if:
RamaSquare Vetium 20 6 4 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconNinja TabiItem IconOdysseus' BowItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 17.1k{{#if:
11/19/2016 16:00 (PST) 19:00 (EST) 01:00 (CET) 09:00 (KST)