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Eye - Show All 2

Team EnVyUsTeam EnVyUslogo std
vs. Team Eagerlogo stdTeam Eager
Game 1
Team Eager 1 0 Team EnVyUs
JanusSquareFafnirSquareSun WukongSquareRaijinSquare Bans SusanoSquareTerraSquareNu WaSquareChang'eSquare
GoldIcon 89.9k KillsIcon 15 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 38:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 5 KillsIcon 75.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare Divios 20 3 1 9 TeleportMeditation Item IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconTranscendence 19.7k{{#if:
ChronosSquare Zapman 20 7 1 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconPolynomiconItem IconBook of ThothItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 19.5k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare djpernicus 20 3 2 12 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSpirit Robe 18.5k{{#if:
Guan YuSquare Aror 19 1 0 8 ShellSprint Item IconHeartward AmuletItem IconTalaria BootsItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSovereignty 16.4k{{#if:
VulcanSquare TheBest 20 1 1 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Asclepius 15.8k{{#if:
RavanaSquare CycloneSpin 20 3 0 1 TeleportCurse Item IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconRunic ShieldItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconQin's Sais 17.9k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Oceans 20 2 3 2 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeathbringerItem IconNinja TabiItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRageItem IconWind Demon 17k{{#if:
NemesisSquare Skeeledon 20 0 4 3 SprintPurification Item IconAdventurer's BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconQin's Sais 14.8k{{#if:
IsisSquare KikiSoCheeky 20 0 7 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSpear of the MagusItem IconWinged BladeItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconSpirit Robe 13.1k{{#if:
BacchusSquare PolarBearMike 17 0 1 3 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconPestilenceItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconEnchanted Kusari 12.7k{{#if:
09/08/2016 17:10 (PDT) 20:10 (EDT) 02:10 (CEST) 09:10 (KST)
Game 2
Team EnVyUs 1 1 Team Eager
ChronosSquareNemesisSquareJanusSquareUllrSquare Bans SusanoSquareSolSquareSun WukongSquareOdinSquare
GoldIcon 67.4k KillsIcon 18 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 24:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 7 KillsIcon 51.6k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
RamaSquare Oceans 20 10 2 6 SanctuaryPurification Item IconWind DemonItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 14.3k{{#if:
RavanaSquare CycloneSpin 20 3 0 9 TeleportMeditation Item IconBalanced BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWitchbladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconFrostbound Hammer 14.3k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare Skeeledon 19 1 1 13 SanctuaryPurification Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconBumba's MaskItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconTitan's Bane 13.8k{{#if:
FafnirSquare PolarBearMike 17 1 1 12 ShellCurse Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBreastplate of Valor 12.6k{{#if:
Nu WaSquare KikiSoCheeky 19 3 3 11 PurificationSanctuary Item IconChronos' PendantItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 12.3k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Divios 18 2 3 4 TeleportMeditation Item IconHeavy HammerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the UrchinItem Icon 11.2k{{#if:
SerqetSquare djpernicus 16 3 5 3 PurificationBlink Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem Icon 11k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Zapman 17 0 4 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem Icon 10.5k{{#if:
TerraSquare Aror 13 0 3 3 ShellFrenzy Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconWinged BladeItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSilver Talisman 9.6k{{#if:
VulcanSquare TheBest 15 2 3 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSoul ReaverItem IconSpell FocusItem Icon 9.4k{{#if:
09/08/2016 18:08 (PDT) 21:08 (EDT) 03:08 (CEST) 10:08 (KST)

The RandozosThe Randozoslogo std
vs. Team Allegiancelogo stdTeam Allegiance
Game 1
Team Allegiance 1 0 The Randozos
SolSquareGuan YuSquareRavanaSquareNeithSquare Bans Ao KuangSquareRatatoskrSquareChronosSquareFreyaSquare
GoldIcon 78.2k KillsIcon 13 TowersIcon 2 PhoenixesIcon 3 35:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 2 TowersIcon 10 KillsIcon 72.5k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SusanoSquare Weak3n 20 4 4 4 MeditationPurification Item IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBrawler's Beat Stick 16.3k{{#if:
JanusSquare MLCst3alth 20 4 0 5 SanctuaryBlink Item IconSoul TrapItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 16.3k{{#if:
UllrSquare Venenu 20 2 1 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconNinja TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's Bane 15.5k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Copebby 20 3 4 4 SprintTeleport Item IconMagi's CloakItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconMantle of Discord 15.3k{{#if:
FafnirSquare Incon 17 0 1 10 ShellCurse Item IconMagi's BlessingItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconWinged Blade 14.8k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare Whalrus 20 3 3 5 TeleportMeditation Item IconCloakItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconSpirit Robe 15k{{#if:
VulcanSquare moswal 20 4 3 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul TrapItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 14.8k{{#if:
TerraSquare Wubbn 17 0 1 10 SprintShell Item IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconLotus CrownItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconRod of Asclepius 14.5k{{#if:
AnhurSquare Wowy 20 2 3 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWind DemonItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's Bane 14.4k{{#if:
NemesisSquare Mirage 18 1 3 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconMace 13.9k{{#if:
09/08/2016 17:05 (PDT) 20:05 (EDT) 02:05 (CEST) 09:05 (KST)
Game 2
Team Allegiance 2 0 The Randozos
SolSquareGuan YuSquareThorSquareRatatoskrSquare Bans FafnirSquareTerraSquareKukulkanSquareJanusSquare
GoldIcon 67.2k KillsIcon 21 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 24:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 5 KillsIcon 50.1k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SusanoSquare Weak3n 20 4 3 11 SanctuaryPurification Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's Bane 14.5k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Copebby 20 6 2 7 MeditationTeleport Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSilver Talisman 13.6k{{#if:
Nu WaSquare MLCst3alth 20 4 0 9 SanctuaryPurification Item IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost ArtifactItem Icon 13.1k{{#if:
KumbhakarnaSquare Incon 18 3 0 14 ShellCurse Item IconCloakItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconWinged BladeItem IconMantle of DiscordItem Icon 13.1k{{#if:
FreyaSquare Venenu 20 4 0 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSpear of the MagusItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconDemonic GripItem Icon 12.9k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Whalrus 19 1 3 2 TeleportMeditation Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconSilver TalismanItem Icon 11k{{#if:
NemesisSquare Mirage 17 1 5 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconLight BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconStone Cutting SwordItem Icon 10.9k{{#if:
RaijinSquare moswal 17 3 4 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconLost ArtifactItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 9.6k{{#if:
ChronosSquare Wowy 16 0 6 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 9.4k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Wubbn 15 0 3 1 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconTalismanItem Icon 9.1k{{#if:
09/08/2016 18:03 (PDT) 21:03 (EDT) 03:03 (CEST) 10:03 (KST)

Denial eSportsDenial eSportslogo std
vs. Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming
Game 1
Luminosity Gaming 1 0 Denial eSports
ThorSquareAo KuangSquareAmaterasuSquareJanusSquare Bans NemesisSquareTerraSquareRaijinSquareUllrSquare
GoldIcon 88.6k KillsIcon 14 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 37:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 6 KillsIcon 71.8k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SolSquare BaRRaCCuDDa 20 6 1 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSpear of DesolationItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 19.9k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Masked 20 2 1 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconRunic ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconTitan's Bane 18.2k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare ScaryD 20 3 1 7 TeleportMeditation Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilence 18.2k{{#if:
FafnirSquare JeffHindla 18 1 3 6 MeditationShell Item IconAncient BladeItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSovereignty 16.3k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png XenoTronics 20 2 0 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRageItem IconShort Sword 16k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Benj1 20 1 0 4 TeleportMeditation Item IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWitchbladeItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconPestilence 16.1k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare Homiefe 20 3 3 3 SanctuaryPurification Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconTitan's Bane 15.1k{{#if:
FreyaSquare Vetium 20 1 4 2 SanctuaryPurification Item IconMagic FocusItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDemonic GripItem IconBancroft's TalonItem IconRod of Tahuti 14.4k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Shadowq 17 0 4 5 MeditationSprint Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconSovereigntyItem IconGenji's Guard 13.3k{{#if:
NeithSquare Hurriwind 19 1 3 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem IconThe CrusherItem Icon 12.7k{{#if:
09/08/2016 17:17 (PDT) 20:17 (EDT) 02:17 (CEST) 09:17 (KST)
Game 2
Luminosity Gaming 2 0 Denial eSports
Ao KuangSquareThorSquareAmaterasuSquareRavanaSquare Bans NemesisSquareTerraSquareRaijinSquareAgniSquare
GoldIcon 76.6k KillsIcon 21 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 29:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 5 KillsIcon 57.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
RatatoskrSquare Masked 20 8 1 10 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconMantle of Discord 16.6k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare ScaryD 20 2 0 11 TeleportCurse Item IconPestilenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconWinged BladeItem IconSpirit Robe 15.8k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png BaRRaCCuDDa 20 4 1 10 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWind DemonItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconQin's Sais 15.5k{{#if:
JanusSquare XenoTronics 20 7 2 8 BlinkPurification Item IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of TahutiItem Icon 14.4k{{#if:
FafnirSquare JeffHindla 16 0 1 16 ShellMeditation Item IconRitual DaggerItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconIron MailItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHeartward Amulet 14.3k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Benj1 20 2 2 1 TeleportMeditation Item IconSpellbound KusariItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHide of the Nemean Lion 13.8k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Homiefe 18 1 6 3 WrathSanctuary Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconMace 11.8k{{#if:
RamaSquare Hurriwind 18 2 1 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem Icon 11.4k{{#if:
SolSquare Vetium 16 0 6 0 SanctuaryPurification Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost Artifact 10.4k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Shadowq 14 0 6 3 ShellSprint Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSpectral ArmorItem IconPestilenceItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem Icon 9.9k{{#if:
09/08/2016 18:21 (PDT) 21:21 (EDT) 03:21 (CEST) 10:21 (KST)

SoaR GamingSoaR Gaminglogo std
vs. Enemylogo stdEnemy
Game 1
SoaR Gaming 1 0 Enemy
Ao KuangSquareSolSquareChronosSquareRavanaSquare Bans Guan YuSquareNemesisSquareAgniSquareJanusSquare
GoldIcon 70k KillsIcon 27 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 26:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 2 KillsIcon 49.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
ThorSquare andinster 20 8 0 16 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's Bane 15.2k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Baskin 20 6 1 17 MeditationTeleport Item IconRunic ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconSpirit Robe 14.9k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Metyankey 20 8 0 11 PurificationSanctuary Item IconShort SwordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 13.8k{{#if:
RaijinSquare Snoopy 20 4 1 15 SanctuaryPurification Item IconObsidian ShardItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconSoul ReaverItem IconLost Artifact 13.3k{{#if:
TerraSquare Jigz 17 1 0 16 ShellSprint Item IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem Icon 12.8k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Marauder 18 2 5 0 TeleportMeditation Item IconHeavy HammerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconHide of the Nemean LionItem Icon 10.8k{{#if:
FafnirSquare PainDeViande 14 0 4 2 WrathShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem Icon 10.3k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Shatt3red 16 0 7 1 PurificationBlink Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconThe CrusherItem IconWarrior's BaneItem Icon 10k{{#if:
IsisSquare Khaos 17 0 6 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 9.7k{{#if:
FreyaSquare PandaCat 14 0 5 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconEnchanted SpearItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconDemonic GripItem IconItem Icon 8.7k{{#if:
09/08/2016 17:34 (PDT) 20:34 (EDT) 02:34 (CEST) 09:34 (KST)
Game 2
SoaR Gaming 2 0 Enemy
Guan YuSquareAo KuangSquareAgniSquareZeusSquare Bans TerraSquareRaijinSquareFile:Jing WeiSquare.pngAmaterasuSquare
GoldIcon 68.9k KillsIcon 20 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 27:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 1 TowersIcon 6 KillsIcon 56.8k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
NemesisSquare andinster 20 11 0 5 SanctuaryPurification Item IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's Bane 15.4k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Baskin 20 6 2 11 MeditationTeleport Item IconRunic ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconPestilenceItem IconSpirit Robe 15.3k{{#if:
AnhurSquare Metyankey 20 0 3 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconThe Executioner 13.3k{{#if:
JanusSquare Snoopy 20 1 1 9 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRestored Artifact 12.7k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Jigz 18 2 0 11 ShellSprint Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconCloak of Concentration 12.2k{{#if:
FafnirSquare PainDeViande 16 1 4 3 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconCloak of Concentration 11.8k{{#if:
SerqetSquare Shatt3red 18 1 4 2 PurificationBlink Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconMaliceItem Icon 11.5k{{#if:
SolSquare PandaCat 19 1 4 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 11.5k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare Marauder 19 1 4 1 TeleportMeditation Item IconCloakItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconHide of the Nemean LionItem Icon 11.4k{{#if:
VulcanSquare Khaos 18 2 4 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost Artifact 10.6k{{#if:
09/08/2016 18:18 (PDT) 21:18 (EDT) 03:18 (CEST) 10:18 (KST)

Team EnVyUsTeam EnVyUslogo std
vs. Enemylogo stdEnemy
Game 1
Team EnVyUs 1 0 Enemy
JanusSquareSolSquareSusanoSquareThorSquare Bans AphroditeSquareNemesisSquareNeithSquareRamaSquare
GoldIcon 65.2k KillsIcon 22 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 25:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 2 TowersIcon 4 KillsIcon 53.9k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare CycloneSpin 20 8 1 9 TeleportMeditation Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconFrostbound Hammer 14.2k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Oceans 20 7 0 12 SanctuaryPurification Item Icon8-Pointed ShurikenItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 13.6k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare Skeeledon 20 4 1 14 SanctuaryPurification Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 13.5k{{#if:
TerraSquare PolarBearMike 18 2 0 17 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem Icon 11.9k{{#if:
VulcanSquare KikiSoCheeky 19 1 2 15 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRestored Artifact 11.9k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png PandaCat 19 0 3 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRageItem Icon 11.3k{{#if:
Ne ZhaSquare Shatt3red 17 2 4 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWitchbladeItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconHidden Dagger 11.2k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Marauder 18 2 5 1 TeleportMeditation Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconAncient Blade 11k{{#if:
FafnirSquare PainDeViande 14 0 6 2 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem Icon 10.4k{{#if:
RaijinSquare Khaos 18 0 4 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 10.1k{{#if:
09/11/2016 08:12 (PDT) 11:12 (EDT) 17:12 (CEST) 00:12 (KST)
Game 2
Team EnVyUs 2 0 Enemy
AphroditeSquareSolSquareRaijinSquareVulcanSquare Bans NemesisSquareJanusSquareHou YiSquareUllrSquare
GoldIcon 62.1k KillsIcon 23 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 22:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 6 KillsIcon 46.1k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
RatatoskrSquare Skeeledon 20 11 3 9 SanctuaryPurification Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconRitual DaggerItem Icon 13.8k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare CycloneSpin 20 8 2 8 TeleportMeditation Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconPestilenceItem IconFrostbound Hammer 13.8k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Oceans 19 3 0 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 12.3k{{#if:
Chang'eSquare KikiSoCheeky 18 0 1 12 SanctuarySprint Item IconSoul StoneItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDoom OrbItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem IconSpirit RobeItem Icon 11.4k{{#if:
FafnirSquare PolarBearMike 14 1 0 15 ShellCurse Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem Icon 10.8k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Marauder 17 2 4 2 TeleportCurse Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconFrostbound HammerItem Icon 10.2k{{#if:
TerraSquare PainDeViande 13 1 3 3 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSilver TalismanItem Icon 9.1k{{#if:
AgniSquare Khaos 16 2 3 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconBancroft's TalonItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDivine RuinItem IconMagic FocusItem Icon 9k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Shatt3red 14 1 6 3 PurificationTeleport Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconTower ShieldItem Icon 8.9k{{#if:
ArtemisSquare PandaCat 15 0 7 2 PurificationBlink Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconItem Icon 8.8k{{#if:
09/11/2016 08:52 (PDT) 11:52 (EDT) 17:52 (CEST) 00:52 (KST)

The RandozosThe Randozoslogo std
vs. Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming
Game 1
Luminosity Gaming 1 0 The Randozos
VulcanSquareNemesisSquareChronosSquareHou YiSquare Bans SolSquareRatatoskrSquareThorSquareRavanaSquare
GoldIcon 64.8k KillsIcon 17 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 24:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 9 KillsIcon 50.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare ScaryD 20 2 0 12 TeleportMeditation Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconVoid Shield 13.9k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png BaRRaCCuDDa 20 3 1 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconShort SwordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 13.6k{{#if:
Ne ZhaSquare Masked 20 5 4 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconHidden DaggerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBrawler's Beat Stick 13.2k{{#if:
JanusSquare XenoTronics 20 6 2 6 BlinkPurification Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconChronos' PendantItem Icon 12.3k{{#if:
TerraSquare JeffHindla 15 1 2 10 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem Icon 11.8k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Whalrus 19 3 2 3 TeleportMeditation Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconPestilenceItem IconAncient Blade 11.3k{{#if:
ApolloSquare Wowy 18 1 4 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconShort Sword 10.6k{{#if:
FafnirSquare Wubbn 14 2 3 5 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSilver TalismanItem Icon 10.2k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Mirage 15 2 4 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconHeavy MaceItem IconItem Icon 9.4k{{#if:
RaijinSquare moswal 15 1 4 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconMagic FocusItem Icon 8.9k{{#if:
09/11/2016 08:06 (PDT) 11:06 (EDT) 17:06 (CEST) 00:06 (KST)
Game 2
Luminosity Gaming 2 0 The Randozos
SolSquareFafnirSquareBacchusSquareAmaterasuSquare Bans NemesisSquareTerraSquareChronosSquareFreyaSquare
GoldIcon 64k KillsIcon 20 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 21:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 2 KillsIcon 45.3k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SusanoSquare Masked 20 11 0 8 PurificationWrath Item IconWarrior's BaneItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpectral ArmorItem IconGenji's Guard 14k{{#if:
VamanaSquare ScaryD 20 7 2 3 TeleportMeditation Item IconAdventurer's BladeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconWitchbladeItem IconQin's Sais 13.9k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png BaRRaCCuDDa 20 1 0 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconThe CrusherItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem IconMace 13k{{#if:
SobekSquare JeffHindla 16 1 0 11 ShellCurse Item IconRitual DaggerItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconSovereigntyItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconCloak 11.6k{{#if:
JanusSquare XenoTronics 18 0 0 15 BlinkPurification Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconSpear of the MagusItem IconLost Artifact 11.5k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare Whalrus 18 0 1 2 TeleportMeditation Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTalismanItem Icon 9.8k{{#if:
RamaSquare Wowy 17 0 4 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem Icon 9.6k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare Mirage 15 2 5 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconBumba's MaskItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMaceItem Icon 9k{{#if:
Guan YuSquare Wubbn 13 0 6 1 Sprint