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Week 1   Week 2   Week 3   Week 4    
Eye - Show All 2

FantastiqueFantastiquelogo std
vs. Bipolar Methodlogo stdBipolar Method
Game 1
Bipolar Method 1 0 Fantastique
RaijinSquareTerraSquareRavanaSquareSusanoSquare Bans NemesisSquareFafnirSquareRamaSquareAnhurSquare
GoldIcon 85k KillsIcon 14 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 34:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 8 KillsIcon 67.1k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Funballer 20 3 1 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconNinja TabiItem IconAsiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconWind Demon 18.1k{{#if:
VamanaSquare Xaliea 20 5 0 6 SprintTeleport Item IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconMantle of Discord 18.1k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare QvoFred 20 2 0 5 PurificationBlink Item IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconShifter's ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconTitan's Bane 17.3k{{#if:
ZeusSquare Lawbster 20 4 3 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconRod of Tahuti 16.6k{{#if:
BacchusSquare Trixtank 19 0 4 8 MeditationShell Item IconIron MailItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconVoid Stone 14.8k{{#if:
ChironSquare Jermain 20 1 4 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconQin's Sais 14.9k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare WorldEdit 20 4 1 3 BlinkPurification Item IconSoul TrapItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 14.2k{{#if:
JanusSquare nulisa 20 2 1 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconSoul Reaver 14.1k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare MoGoW 20 1 4 4 SprintTeleport Item IconSilver TalismanItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconFrostbound HammerItem Icon 12.7k{{#if:
AresSquare Dardez 16 0 4 3 ShellBlink Item IconReinforced ShoesItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconPestilenceItem Icon 11.3k{{#if:
09/10/2016 10:11 (PDT) 13:11 (EDT) 19:11 (CEST) 02:11 (KST)
Game 2
Bipolar Method 2 0 Fantastique
SusanoSquareAo KuangSquareChronosSquareRavanaSquare Bans FafnirSquareNemesisSquareZeusSquareZhong KuiSquare
GoldIcon 60k KillsIcon 11 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 24:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 8 KillsIcon 52.7k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
FenrirSquare QvoFred 18 3 2 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWitchbladeItem IconMace 12.7k{{#if:
TerraSquare Xaliea 19 1 0 6 TeleportSprint Item IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconVoid StoneItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem Icon 12.4k{{#if:
AnhurSquare Funballer 20 3 1 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconHeavy MaceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconWitchbladeItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 12.3k{{#if:
IsisSquare Lawbster 19 1 2 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost Artifact 11.6k{{#if:
Guan YuSquare Trixtank 17 3 3 7 MeditationShell Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconCloak 11k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare WorldEdit 17 3 1 3 SanctuaryPurification Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconBumba's MaskItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconJotunn's WrathItem Icon 11.2k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare MoGoW 18 0 1 1 SprintTeleport Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconGenji's GuardItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem Icon 11k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Jermain 18 1 2 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconIchaivalItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon8-Pointed Shuriken 10.8k{{#if:
RaijinSquare nulisa 17 3 3 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost ArtifactItem Icon 10.1k{{#if:
AresSquare Dardez 15 1 4 5 ShellBlink Item IconReinforced ShoesItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSilver BreastplateItem Icon 9.7k{{#if:
09/10/2016 11:00 (PDT) 14:00 (EDT) 20:00 (CEST) 03:00 (KST)

CycloneCyclonelogo std
vs. Sanguine Esportslogo stdSanguine Esports
Game 1
Cyclone 1 0 Sanguine Esports
Ne ZhaSquareAo KuangSquareKhepriSquareRavanaSquare Bans Erlang ShenSquareTerraSquareYmirSquareAnhurSquare
GoldIcon 74.5k KillsIcon 12 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 29:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 8 KillsIcon 65.4k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
File:Jing WeiSquare.png VoteNBK 20 2 0 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 16.2k{{#if:
BellonaSquare Deathwalker 20 2 0 9 FrenzyTeleport Item IconQin's SaisItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBulwark of Hope 15.9k{{#if:
NemesisSquare iceicebabyy 20 4 3 7 PurificationShell Item IconMagi's CloakItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconStone Cutting Sword 15.4k{{#if:
RaijinSquare Wlfy 20 3 2 5 SanctuaryPurification Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconSoul Reaver 14.1k{{#if:
BacchusSquare KaLaS 16 1 3 9 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSilver Talisman 12.8k{{#if:
SusanoSquare Cherryo 20 2 2 5 PurificationBlink Item IconMaceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconTitan's Bane 14k{{#if:
FreyaSquare Arkkyl 20 3 2 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconDemonic GripItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconSpear of the Magus 13.6k{{#if:
TyrSquare Nika 20 3 3 2 TeleportBlink Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWinged BladeItem IconIron Mail 13k{{#if:
AthenaSquare Murrdurr 17 0 1 7 MeditationShell Item IconTravelers ShoesItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSovereigntyItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconSilver Talisman 12.4k{{#if:
NeithSquare TheDarkDodo 20 0 4 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconTranscendenceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconQin's SaisItem IconHeavy MaceItem Icon 12.3k{{#if:
09/08/2016 11:00 (PDT) 14:00 (EDT) 20:00 (CEST) 03:00 (KST)
Game 2
Sanguine Esports 1 1 Cyclone
Erlang ShenSquareSusanoSquareOdinSquareYmirSquare Bans TerraSquareNemesisSquareFreyaSquareRavanaSquare
GoldIcon 74.2k KillsIcon 19 TowersIcon 1 PhoenixesIcon 3 29:00 1 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 10 KillsIcon 63.7k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
ApolloSquare Arkkyl 20 8 1 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 16.2k{{#if:
Ne ZhaSquare Cherryo 20 0 2 15 PurificationSanctuary Item IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconShield of RegrowthItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconHeavy Mace 15.4k{{#if:
RaijinSquare TheDarkDodo 20 7 1 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul ReliquaryItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 15.3k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Nika 20 3 1 10 TeleportSprint Item IconSteel MailItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconHide of the Nemean Lion 14.4k{{#if:
AthenaSquare Murrdurr 17 1 5 12 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconWinged BladeItem IconTalisman 12.8k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png VoteNBK 20 4 4 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 15k{{#if:
Guan YuSquare Deathwalker 20 3 1 4 MeditationTeleport Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconMidgardian MailItem Icon 13.2k{{#if:
FenrirSquare iceicebabyy 17 3 4 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconSpirit RobeItem Icon 12.9k{{#if:
VulcanSquare Wlfy 18 0 4 5 SanctuaryPurification Item IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconMagi's BlessingItem Icon 12k{{#if:
BacchusSquare KaLaS 14 0 6 4 ShellMeditation Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconMagi's BlessingItem IconSilver TalismanItem Icon 10.5k{{#if:
09/08/2016 11:52 (PDT) 14:52 (EDT) 20:52 (CEST) 03:52 (KST)

DignitasDignitaslogo std
vs. Cringe Crewlogo stdCringe Crew
Game 1
Dignitas 1 0 Cringe Crew
FreyaSquareFafnirSquareOdinSquareFile:Jing WeiSquare.png Bans NemesisSquareChronosSquareAnhurSquareRamaSquare
GoldIcon 87.4k KillsIcon 15 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 40:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 2 TowersIcon 7 KillsIcon 77.6k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
ApolloSquare Suntouch 20 2 2 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconQin's SaisItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconBulwark of Hope 18.6k{{#if:
FenrirSquare FrostiaK 20 6 1 8 PurificationWrath Item IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconAncileItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconTitan's Bane 18.1k{{#if:
OsirisSquare Duck3y 20 1 0 11 TeleportSprint Item IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconHide of the Nemean LionItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBulwark of Hope 17.8k{{#if:
RaijinSquare ShadowNightmare 20 5 4 8 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul ReliquaryItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconMantle of Discord 17.3k{{#if:
BacchusSquare BigManTingz 20 1 0 12 ShellMeditation Item IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconSovereigntyItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconBulwark of Hope 15.6k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare FleuryQ 20 4 3 1 PurificationBlink Item IconSoul ReaverItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 16.6k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Zyrhoes 20 0 1 5 TeleportSprint Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconVoid Shield 16.5k{{#if:
Hou YiSquare Shaggyshenk 20 1 4 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's Bane 16k{{#if:
VulcanSquare Kero 20 1 6 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconSoul Reaver 14.7k{{#if:
TerraSquare EmilZy 19 1 1 4 ShellMeditation Item IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconMidgardian MailItem IconMantle of DiscordItem Icon 13.9k{{#if:
09/08/2016 11:29 (PDT) 14:29 (EDT) 20:29 (CEST) 03:29 (KST)
Game 2
Cringe Crew 1 1 Dignitas
NemesisSquareFreyaSquareRaijinSquareZeusSquare Bans Ao KuangSquareFafnirSquareAresSquareAthenaSquare
GoldIcon 91.3k KillsIcon 15 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 38:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 8 KillsIcon 73.5k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare Zyrhoes 20 2 1 12 TeleportSprint Item IconShifter's ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWinged BladeItem IconPestilenceItem IconSpirit Robe 17.9k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare FleuryQ 20 5 1 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconShifter's ShieldItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconBloodforge 19.8k{{#if:
JanusSquare Kero 20 5 2 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconChronos' PendantItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconSoul Reaver 17.8k{{#if:
GebSquare EmilZy 20 0 2 13 BlinkShell Item IconMail of RenewalItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconSovereigntyItem IconMantle of Discord 16.5k{{#if:
ChronosSquare Shaggyshenk 20 3 2 4 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSpear of DesolationItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 19.3k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Duck3y 20 1 0 6 TeleportSprint Item IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWitchbladeItem IconSpirit Robe 14.8k{{#if:
SusanoSquare FrostiaK 20 4 1 1 PurificationBlink Item IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconShifter's ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconTitan's Bane 15.4k{{#if:
NoxSquare ShadowNightmare 20 3 4 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconChronos' PendantItem IconBancroft's TalonItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 13.9k{{#if:
TerraSquare BigManTingz 18 0 5 5 MeditationShell Item IconShoes of the MagiItem IconItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconLotus CrownItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconPestilence 13.2k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Suntouch 20 0 5 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconRage 16.1k{{#if:
09/08/2016 12:30 (PDT) 15:30 (EDT) 21:30 (CEST) 04:30 (KST)

Hungry For MoreHungry For Morelogo std
vs. NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports
Game 1
NRG Esports 1 0 Hungry For More
SusanoSquareNemesisSquareTerraSquareOdinSquare Bans Ao KuangSquareChronosSquareNeithSquareRavanaSquare
GoldIcon 94.4k KillsIcon 27 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 40:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 6 KillsIcon 77.5k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
FenrirSquare Adapting 20 7 0 15 PurificationSanctuary Item IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconTitan's Bane 20.2k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Dimi 20 5 1 13 TeleportSprint Item IconMidgardian MailItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconShifter's ShieldItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconMantle of Discord 19.7k{{#if:
FreyaSquare emilitoo 20 7 1 12 SanctuaryPurification Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDemonic GripItem IconWitchbladeItem IconSpear of the Magus 18.6k{{#if:
IsisSquare Yammyn 20 8 1 12 PurificationSanctuary Item IconChronos' PendantItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconEnchanted Spear 18.4k{{#if:
FafnirSquare iRaffer 19 0 3 20 ShellSprint Item IconWinged BladeItem IconEmperor's ArmorItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem IconSpectral Armor 17.4k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Ataraxia 20 2 4 3 SanctuaryPurification Item IconRageItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconOdysseus' BowItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconPoisoned Star 17.4k{{#if:
TyrSquare Variety 20 2 5 2 TeleportBlink Item IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconGenji's GuardItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHide of the Urchin 15.8k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare CaptainTwig 19 0 7 4 PurificationShell Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconBrawler's Beat Stick 15.5k{{#if:
VulcanSquare PrettyPriMe 20 1 4 3 SanctuaryPurification Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDoom OrbItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconSoul Reliquary 14.8k{{#if:
BacchusSquare PANDALIKE 18 1 7 4 SprintMeditation Item IconCloakItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSovereigntyItem IconPestilenceItem IconWitchbladeItem IconHeartward Amulet 14k{{#if:
09/08/2016 11:19 (PDT) 14:19 (EDT) 20:19 (CEST) 03:19 (KST)
Game 2
NRG Esports 2 0 Hungry For More
SusanoSquareFafnirSquareTyrSquareNe ZhaSquare Bans Ao KuangSquareNemesisSquareFreyaSquareChronosSquare
GoldIcon 71.6k KillsIcon 18 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 26:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 1 KillsIcon 52.9k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
FenrirSquare Adapting 20 8 1 7 PurificationSanctuary Item IconMaceItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconMantle of Discord 15.8k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare Dimi 20 3 0 11 TeleportMeditation Item IconBluestone PendantItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconVoid Shield 15k{{#if:
AnhurSquare emilitoo 20 2 0 11 SanctuaryPurification Item IconShort SwordItem IconIchaivalItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconWind Demon 14.5k{{#if:
RaijinSquare Yammyn 20 5 0 11 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul TrapItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWarlock's SashItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 14.1k{{#if:
TerraSquare iRaffer 17 0 0 12 MeditationShell Item IconShoes of FocusItem IconMagi's CloakItem IconRod of AsclepiusItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconEmperor's ArmorItem Icon 12.2k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Ataraxia 20 0 1 0 SanctuaryPurification Item IconPoisoned StarItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconQin's SaisItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 11.6k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare CaptainTwig 18 0 2 1 PurificationBlink Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 11.2k{{#if:
YmirSquare Variety 18 1 8 0 TeleportBlink Item IconCloak of ConcentrationItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconWinged BladeItem Icon 10.9k{{#if:
VulcanSquare PrettyPriMe 17 0 6 1 SanctuaryPurification Item IconLost ArtifactItem IconDivine RuinItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDoom OrbItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 9.7k{{#if:
BacchusSquare PANDALIKE 15 0 1 1 SprintShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSovereigntyItem IconPestilenceItem IconWard StoneItem Icon 9.5k{{#if:
09/08/2016 12:17 (PDT) 15:17 (EDT) 21:17 (CEST) 04:17 (KST)

FantastiqueFantastiquelogo std
vs. NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports
Game 1
NRG Esports 1 0 Fantastique
RaijinSquareTerraSquareIsisSquareChironSquare Bans NemesisSquareFafnirSquareOdinSquareAnhurSquare
GoldIcon 79.6k KillsIcon 14 TowersIcon 4 PhoenixesIcon 3 35:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 3 KillsIcon 71.2k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SusanoSquare Adapting 20 7 0 5 PurificationBlink Item IconShifter's ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconGenji's GuardItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconBrawler's Beat Stick 17.9k{{#if:
Sun WukongSquare Dimi 20 2 1 10 TeleportSprint Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBulwark of HopeItem Icon 16k{{#if:
SolSquare emilitoo 20 2 0 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul TrapItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 15.6k{{#if:
Nu WaSquare Yammyn 20 3 1 8 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul ReliquaryItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 15.4k{{#if:
SylvanusSquare iRaffer 18 0 1 4 ShellBlink Item IconTravelers ShoesItem IconTalismanItem IconSovereigntyItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconEmperor's ArmorItem IconMantle of Discord 14.7k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Jermain 20 0 1 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconIchaivalItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconWind Demon 15.2k{{#if:
JanusSquare nulisa 20 0 1 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of TahutiItem IconBook of Thoth 14.5k{{#if:
Ao KuangSquare WorldEdit 20 3 4 0 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSoul ReliquaryItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconPolynomiconItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRod of Tahuti 14.4k{{#if:
SobekSquare Dardez 17 0 5 3 ShellBlink Item IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconPestilenceItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconSpirit RobeItem Icon 13.7k{{#if:
RavanaSquare MoGoW 19 0 3 1 CurseTeleport Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconCloak of ConcentrationItem Icon 13.5k{{#if:
09/10/2016 08:04 (PDT) 11:04 (EDT) 17:04 (CEST) 00:04 (KST)
Game 2
NRG Esports 2 0 Fantastique
Ao KuangSquareJanusSquareZeusSquareRaSquare Bans NemesisSquareRaijinSquareTyrSquareAmaterasuSquare
GoldIcon 62.9k KillsIcon 9 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 24:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 1 TowersIcon 4 KillsIcon 50.8k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
SusanoSquare Adapting 20 6 0 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconShifter's ShieldItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 13.9k{{#if:
BellonaSquare Dimi 20 0 0 7 TeleportSprint Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconSilver Breastplate 13.1k{{#if:
AnhurSquare emilitoo 20 2 2 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconIchaivalItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconWind DemonItem Icon 12.6k{{#if:
FafnirSquare iRaffer 15 0 1 8 MeditationShell Item IconTravelers ShoesItem IconWatcher's GiftItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconPestilenceItem Icon 11.8k{{#if:
IsisSquare Yammyn 19 1 1 6 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 11.6k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png Jermain 19 0 2 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeath's TollItem IconIchaivalItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconDevourer's GauntletItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconBalanced Blade 11.1k{{#if:
ThorSquare WorldEdit 17 1 2 1 SanctuaryPurification Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem Icon 10.6k{{#if:
ChronosSquare nulisa 18 2 2 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconRestored ArtifactItem Icon 10.1k{{#if:
RavanaSquare MoGoW 18 0 2 1 SprintTeleport Item IconSilver TalismanItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconItem Icon 10k{{#if:
TerraSquare Dardez 14 1 1 2 ShellCurse Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconItem Icon 9k{{#if:
09/10/2016 08:59 (PDT) 11:59 (EDT) 17:59 (CEST) 00:59 (KST)

CycloneCyclonelogo std
vs. Cringe Crewlogo stdCringe Crew
Game 1
Cringe Crew 1 0 Cyclone
SusanoSquareRaijinSquareAresSquareBacchusSquare Bans TerraSquareNemesisSquareChronosSquareTyrSquare
GoldIcon 91.2k KillsIcon 9 TowersIcon 6 PhoenixesIcon 3 38:00 0 PhoenixesIcon 0 TowersIcon 6 KillsIcon 76.7k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
RatatoskrSquare Repikas 20 5 1 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconTitan's BaneItem IconBrawler's Beat Stick 20.4k{{#if:
FreyaSquare Shaggyshenk 20 4 1 1 PurificationSanctuary Item IconRod of TahutiItem IconHastened FatalisItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconDemonic GripItem IconSpear of the MagusItem IconBancroft's Talon 18.3k{{#if:
AmaterasuSquare Zyrhoes 20 0 0 4 TeleportSprint Item IconShifter's ShieldItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconWinged BladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconSpirit Robe 18.2k{{#if:
FafnirSquare EmilZy 20 0 2 6 ShellMeditation Item IconMagi's BlessingItem IconReinforced ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconSpirit RobeItem IconMidgardian MailItem IconHeartward Amulet 17.6k{{#if:
JanusSquare Kero 20 0 2 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul TrapItem IconPythagorem's PieceItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconChronos' PendantItem IconRod of Tahuti 16.8k{{#if:
File:Jing WeiSquare.png VoteNBK 20 1 2 2 PurificationSanctuary Item IconDeathbringerItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconThe ExecutionerItem IconAsiItem IconQin's SaisItem IconPoisoned Star 16.7k{{#if:
RavanaSquare Deathwalker 20 0 1 4 FrenzyTeleport Item IconAncileItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconMantle of DiscordItem IconRunic ShieldItem IconFrostbound HammerItem IconBulwark of Hope 16.6k{{#if:
Hun BatzSquare iceicebabyy 20 3 0 3 BlinkPurification Item IconTitan's BaneItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconWinged BladeItem IconRunic Shield 16k{{#if:
KhepriSquare KaLaS 18 0 2 4 ShellSprint Item IconSpirit RobeItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconMark of the VanguardItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconWinged BladeItem IconHeartward Amulet 13.8k{{#if:
ZeusSquare Wlfy 20 2 4 4 SanctuaryPurification Item IconSpell FocusItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconSpear of the MagusItem IconEthereal StaffItem IconVoid Stone 13.7k{{#if:
09/10/2016 08:02 (PDT) 11:02 (EDT) 17:02 (CEST) 00:02 (KST)
Game 2
Cringe Crew 2 0 Cyclone
SusanoSquareRaijinSquareOdinSquareGuan YuSquare Bans NemesisSquareFreyaSquareGebSquareJanusSquare
GoldIcon 60.5k KillsIcon 15 TowersIcon 5 PhoenixesIcon 3 23:00 2 PhoenixesIcon 2 TowersIcon 4 KillsIcon 50.5k GoldIcon
Player Lvl K D A Actives Items Gold
AmaterasuSquare Zyrhoes 20 6 0 6 TeleportSprint Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconBreastplate of ValorItem IconWitchbladeItem IconBulwark of HopeItem IconCloak 13.1k{{#if:
RatatoskrSquare Repikas 19 3 1 9 PurificationSanctuary Item IconAcorn of YggdrasilItem IconBumba's MaskItem IconVoid ShieldItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconBrawler's Beat StickItem IconTitan's Bane 13.1k{{#if:
ChronosSquare Shaggyshenk 19 1 1 3 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconDoom OrbItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconWinged BladeItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost Artifact 11.8k{{#if:
VulcanSquare Kero 19 5 0 5 PurificationSanctuary Item IconSoul StoneItem IconDynasty Plate HelmItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconObsidian ShardItem IconLost Artifact 11.3k{{#if:
TerraSquare EmilZy 16 0 2 11 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconTravelers ShoesItem IconHide of the UrchinItem IconHeartward AmuletItem IconLotus CrownItem IconIron Mail 11.3k{{#if:
SolSquare VoteNBK 18 1 2 0 PurificationSanctuary Item IconVampiric ShroudItem IconShoes of the MagiItem IconBook of ThothItem IconTelkhines RingItem IconObsidian ShardItem Icon 10.8k{{#if:
Erlang ShenSquare Deathwalker 18 1 5 1 SprintTeleport Item IconDeath's TollItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconWitchbladeItem IconIchaivalItem IconPestilenceItem IconSilver Talisman 10.6k{{#if:
SerqetSquare iceicebabyy 15 1 2 2 BlinkPurification Item IconBumba's MaskItem IconWarrior TabiItem IconJotunn's WrathItem IconMaliceItem IconHidden DaggerItem Icon 10.3k{{#if:
FafnirSquare KaLaS 14 0 1 3 MeditationShell Item IconWatcher's GiftItem IconShoes of the Magi