SMITE Esports Wiki
SMITE Esports Wiki
SMITE Pro League North America Season 2 Summer Season
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
Sponsor(s)Curse Voice
FormatRound Robin
Prize Pool$ 59,000
Location & Dates
CountryNorth America North America
LocationNorth America
Start Date2015-05-14
End Date2015-06-28
WinnerAFK Gaminglogo stdAFK Gaming
SecondCloud9logo stdCloud9
ThirdTeam SoloMidlogo stdTeam SoloMid
FourthDenial eSportslogo stdDenial eSports

The North American SMITE Pro League Season 2 Summer Split will last for seven weeks.



Prize Pool

$59,000 USD is spread among the teams as follows:

Place Prize Team Roster
Gold 1 AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK Gaming CycloneSpinWeak3nKikiSoCheekyAlliedIncon
Silver 2 Cloud9logo stdCloud9 0megaandinsterMLCst3althBaRRaCCuDDaJeffHindla
Bronze 3 Team SoloMidlogo stdTeam SoloMid DiviosDaGarzTheBooshSnoopyEonic
Copper 4 $ 13,000 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial eSports BaskintodafaceShingMacetodafaceBronxBombersShadowq
5 $ 12,500 Team Eagerlogo stdTeam Eager AnatoLiyDaretoCareLassizZapmanPolarBearMike
6 $ 12,000 Legion of Carrotslogo stdLegion of Carrots WordsAsWeaponsdjpernicusADUR0PandaCatPainDeViande
7 $ 11,500 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOGnitive Gaming MeerkatbchmHurriwindFaymousHateHomiefe
8 $ 10,000 Enemylogo stdEnemy Awesome2daMaxFlyinOrNahJerbieVetiumChrisPocket

Current Rosters

See here for match-by-match roster breakdowns.
Show RostersHide Rosters


Season Rankings
1. AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK Gaming 12-2
2. Cloud9logo stdCloud9 11-3
3. Team SoloMidlogo stdTeam SoloMid 11-3
4. Denial eSportslogo stdDenial eSports 7-7
5. Team Eagerlogo stdTeam Eager 7-7
6. Legion of Carrotslogo stdLegion of Carrots 5-9
7. COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOGnitive Gaming 2-12
8. Enemylogo stdEnemy 1-13

Weekly MVP

Week Region Player KDA Gods Played
1 EU Epsilon eSportslogo std Adapting 29.50 FenrirSquare Fenrir BellonaSquare Bellona
2 EU Fnaticlogo std CaptainTwig 21.50 ThorSquare Thor
3 NA Cloud9logo std BaRRaCCuDDa 21.00 ApolloSquare Apollo CupidSquare Cupid
4 NA AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 11.00 AwilixSquare Awilix BastetSquare Bastet
5 NA Denial eSportslogo std Macetodaface 10.50 JanusSquare Janus
6 EU TRIG eSportslogo std QvoFred 14.25 CabrakanSquare Cabrakan
7 NA AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 27.50 Ao KuangSquare Ao Kuang BakasuraSquare Bakasura

MVP Roster

Position Player KDA
Solo AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 6.90
Jungle Cloud9logo std Andinster 4.63
Mid AFK Gaminglogo std KikiSoCheeky 4.45
Hunter Cloud9logo std BaRRaCCuDDa 5.13
Support AFK Gaminglogo std Incon 2.96

Time Line

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
1 Cloud9logo std 2-0 1 Cloud9logo std 2-0 1 Cloud9logo std 2-0 1 Cloud9logo std 2-0 1 Cloud9logo std 1-1 1 Cloud9logo std 2-0 1 â–²1 AFK Gaminglogo std 2-0
1 Team Eagerlogo std 2-0 2 â–²2 Team SoloMidlogo std 2-0 2 Team SoloMidlogo std 2-0 2 â–²1 AFK Gaminglogo std 2-0 2 AFK Gaminglogo std 2-0 2 AFK Gaminglogo std 2-0 2 â–¼1 Cloud9logo std 0-2
1 Legion of Carrotslogo std 2-0 2 â–¼1 Team Eagerlogo std 1-1 3 â–²2 AFK Gaminglogo std 2-0 3 â–¼1 Team SoloMidlogo std 0-2 3 Team SoloMidlogo std 2-0 3 Team SoloMidlogo std 2-0 3 Team SoloMidlogo std 2-0
4 AFK Gaminglogo std 1-1 2 â–¼1 Legion of Carrotslogo std 1-1 4 â–¼2 Legion of Carrotslogo std 0-2 3 â–²1 Denial eSportslogo std 2-0 3 Denial eSportslogo std 2-0 4 â–¼1 Denial eSportslogo std 0-2 4 Denial eSportslogo std 0-2
4 Team SoloMidlogo std 1-1 5 â–¼1 AFK Gaminglogo std 1-1 4 â–¼2 Team Eagerlogo std 0-2 5 â–¼1 Team Eagerlogo std 0-2 5 Team Eagerlogo std 1-1 5 Team Eagerlogo std 1-1 5 Team Eagerlogo std 2-0
6 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2 6 Denial eSportslogo std 1-1 4 â–²2 Denial eSportslogo std 2-0 5 â–¼1 Legion of Carrotslogo std 0-2 6 â–¼1 Legion of Carrotslogo std 0-2 6 Legion of Carrotslogo std 1-1 6 Legion of Carrotslogo std 1-1
6 Enemylogo std 0-2 7 â–¼1 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2 7 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2 7 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 2-0 7 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2 7 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2 7 COGnitive Gaminglogo std 0-2
6 Denial eSportslogo std 0-2 7 â–¼1 Enemylogo std 0-2 7 Enemylogo std 0-2 8 â–¼1 Enemylogo std 0-2 8 Enemylogo std 0-2 8 Enemylogo std 0-2 8 Enemylogo std 1-1


Week 1

May 14th - May 17th

Match results
C9Cloud9logo std 2 0 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial
AFKAFK Gaminglogo std 1 1 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 2 0 Enemylogo stdNME
LegionLegion of Carrotslogo std 2 0 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG

Week 2

May 21st - May 24th

Match results
NMEEnemylogo std 0 2 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 1 1 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial
COGCOGnitive Gaminglogo std 0 2 Cloud9logo stdC9
LegionLegion of Carrotslogo std 1 1 AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK

Week 3

May 28th - May 31st

Match results
NMEEnemylogo std 0 2 AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK
COGCOGnitive Gaminglogo std 0 2 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 0 2 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM
LegionLegion of Carrotslogo std 0 2 Cloud9logo stdC9

Week 4

Jun 4th - Jun 7th

Match results
C9Cloud9logo std 2 0 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM
LegionLegion of Carrotslogo std 0 2 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial
NMEEnemylogo std 0 2 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG
AFKAFK Gaminglogo std 2 0 Team Eagerlogo stdeGr

Week 5

Jun 11th - Jun 14th

Match results
AFKAFK Gaminglogo std 2 0 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 1 1 Cloud9logo stdC9
LegionLegion of Carrotslogo std 0 2 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM
DenialDenial eSportslogo std 2 0 Enemylogo stdNME

Week 6

Jun 18th - Jun 21st

Match results
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 1 1 Legion of Carrotslogo stdLegion
TSMTeam SoloMidlogo std 2 0 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG
DenialDenial eSportslogo std 0 2 AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK
NMEEnemylogo std 0 2 Cloud9logo stdC9

Week 7

Jun 25th - Jun 28th

Match results
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 2 0 COGnitive Gaminglogo stdCOG
NMEEnemylogo std 1 1 Legion of Carrotslogo stdLegion
C9Cloud9logo std 0 2 AFK Gaminglogo stdAFK
DenialDenial eSportslogo std 0 2 Team SoloMidlogo stdTSM


Jun 28th

Match results
eGrTeam Eagerlogo std 0 1 Denial eSportslogo stdDenial


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
  • Week 7
Denial eSportsCloud90 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-05-14 21:3014:3023:3006:30[1][2][3] AFK GamingTeam SoloMid1 - 1Sat 2015-05-16 18:3011:3020:3003:30[4][5][6] Team EagerEnemy2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-05-16 20:0013:0022:0005:00[7][8][9] Legion of CarrotsCOGnitive Gaming2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-05-17 20:0013:0022:0005:00[10][11][12]
EnemyTeam SoloMid0 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-05-21 21:3014:3023:3006:30[13][14][15] Team EagerDenial eSports1 - 1Sat 2015-05-23 18:3011:3020:3003:30[16][17][18] COGnitive GamingCloud90 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-05-23 20:0013:0022:0005:00[19][20][21] Legion of CarrotsAFK Gaming1 - 1Sun 2015-05-24 20:0013:0022:0005:00[22][23][24]
EnemyAFK Gaming0 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-05-28 21:3014:3023:3006:30[25][26][27] COGnitive GamingDenial eSports0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-05-30 18:3011:3020:3003:30[28][29][30] Team EagerTeam SoloMid0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-05-30 20:0013:0022:0005:00[31][32][33] Legion of CarrotsCloud90 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-05-31 20:0013:0022:0005:00[34][35][36]
Cloud9Team SoloMid2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-06-04 21:3014:3023:3006:30[37][38][39] Legion of CarrotsDenial eSports0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-06 18:3011:3020:3003:30[40][41][42] EnemyCOGnitive Gaming0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-06 20:0013:0022:0005:00[43][44][45] AFK GamingTeam Eager2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-06-07 20:0013:0022:0005:00[46][47][48]
AFK GamingCOGnitive Gaming2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-06-11 21:3014:3023:3006:30[49][50][51] Team EagerCloud91 - 1Sat 2015-06-13 18:3011:3020:3003:30[52][53][54] Legion of CarrotsTeam SoloMid0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-13 20:0013:0022:0005:00[55][56] Denial eSportsEnemy2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-06-14 20:0013:0022:0005:00[57][58][59]
Team EagerLegion of Carrots1 - 1Thu 2015-06-18 21:3014:3023:3006:30[60] Team SoloMidCOGnitive Gaming2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-06-20 18:3011:3020:3003:30[61] Denial eSportsAFK Gaming0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-20 20:0013:0022:0005:00[62] EnemyCloud90 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-21 20:0013:0022:0005:00[63]
Team EagerCOGnitive Gaming2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-06-25 21:3014:3023:3006:30[64][65][66] EnemyLegion of Carrots1 - 1Sat 2015-06-27 18:3011:3020:3003:30[67][68][69] Cloud9AFK Gaming0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-27 20:0013:0022:0005:00[70][71][72] Denial eSportsTeam SoloMid0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-28 20:0013:0022:0005:00[73][74][75]