SMITE Esports Wiki
SMITE Challenger Cup North America Season 2 Summer
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
FormatSingle Elimination / Round Robin
Prize Pool$ 5,250
Location & Dates
CountryNorth America North America
LocationNorth America
Start Date2015-05-16
End Date2015-07-05
WinnerYomilogo stdYomi
SecondHi Fivelogo stdHi Five
ThirdResist Gaminglogo stdResist Gaming
FourthCOG Crusaderslogo stdCOG Crusaders

The SPL Season 2 NA Challenger Cup Summer is a series of 5 weekly tournaments open to all teams that did not qualify for the SPL Season 2 Summer Split. This is then followed by a 2 group round robin stage which then leads into a Best of 5 single elimination bracket.



  • 5 weeks of a single elimination tournament where teams earn points based on their placing.
  • The top 8 teams will move to a 2 group round robin.
    • 2 week event.
    • Each team plays each other twice in a Best-of-1.
  • The top 2 teams of each group advance to a Best of 5 single elimination bracket.
  • The 1st & 2nd place teams of the BO5 single elimination bracket will advance to the SPL Season 2 Fall Relegations

Prize Pool

$5,250 USD is spread among the teams as follows:

Place Prize Team Roster
Gold 1 $ 2,500 Yomilogo stdYomi GiliMythereaUnrelinquishedVessaliusMetyankey
Silver 2 $ 1,500 Hi Fivelogo stdHi Five elchapooGrishankBoltureNontonElBrochacho
Bronze 3 $ 750 Resist Gaminglogo stdResist Gaming MarauderHuDatKhaosFearnoBalentine
Copper 4 $ 500 COG Crusaderslogo stdCOG Crusaders SpectrePookaTooManyApplesXenotronicsKillateral


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Challenger Cup Points


Rank Team Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Total
1. Hi Fivelogo stdHi Five 60 100 10 100 60 330
2. Resist Gaminglogo stdResist Gaming 10 60 100 40 40 250
3. Noble eSportslogo stdNoble eSports 100 5 10 10 100 225
4. Yomilogo stdYomi 10 40 60 25 135
5. LunatiK eSportslogo stdLunatiK eSports 5 40 25 25 10 105
6. COG Crusaderslogo stdCOG Crusaders1 5 5 60 10 10 90
7. Torchlogo stdTorch2 10 25 10 10 10 65
8. Logo stdNormies Leave 40 10 50
9. KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS Gaming 5 10 5 10 10 40
10. Logo stdGarden Guys 10 10 5 25
Show all teams
1: Following Week 1, xD Crusaders changed their name to Cog Crusaders.
2: Prior to Week 3, Torch was named Turnip eSports.

Point distribution

Place Points
1. 100
2. 60
3. 40
4. 25
5-8. 10
9-16. 5
17.+ 2


  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Group Stage
  • Playoffs
  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
  ReturN 1
  Team Zistar 0
  ReturN 0
  Noble eSports 1
  Resist Gaming 0
  Noble eSports 1
  Noble eSports 2
  Hi Five 1
  Hi Five 1
  Turnip eSports 0 3rd place match
  Hi Five 1
  ReturN 0
  Normies Leave 0
  Garden Guys 0   Normies Leave 1
  Normies Leave 1
  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
  HectiK eSports 0
  Lunatik eSports 1
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Resist Gaming 1
  Resist Gaming 1
  Garden Guys 0
  Resist Gaming 0
  Hi Five 2
  Hi Five 1
  KoS Gaming 0 3rd place match
  Hi Five 1
  Lunatik eSports 1
  Turnip eSports 0
  Turnip eSports 1   Turnip eSports 0
  Yomi 0
  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
  Hi Five 0
  Cog Crusaders 1
  Cog Crusaders 1
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Lunatik eSports 1
  Normies Leave 0
  Cog Crusaders 0
  Resist Gaming 2
  Noble eSports 0
  Yomi 1 3rd place match
  Yomi 0
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Resist Gaming 1
  Resist Gaming 1   Yomi 1
  Turnip eSports 0
  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
  Hi Five 1
  KoS Gaming 0
  Hi Five 1
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Cog Crusaders 0
  Lunatik eSports 1
  Hi Five 2
  Yomi 0
  Resist Gaming 1
  Torch 0 3rd place match
  Resist Gaming 0
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Yomi 1
  Noble eSports 0   Resist Gaming 1
  Yomi 1
  Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
  Hi Five 1
  KoS Gaming 0
  Hi Five 1
  Yomi 0
  Yomi 1
  Lunatik eSports 0
  Hi Five 0
  Noble eSports 2
  Resist Gaming 1
  Tørch 0 3rd place match
  Resist Gaming 0
  Yomi 0
  Noble eSports 1
  Noble eSports 1   Resist Gaming 1
  COG Crusaders 0
Group A
1. Yomilogo stdYomi 6-0
2. Hi Fivelogo stdHi Five 4-2
3. KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS Gaming 1-4
4. LunatiK eSportslogo stdLunatiK eSports 0-5
Group A Matches
Hi5Hi Fivelogo std 1 0 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
YomiYomilogo std 1 0 LunatiK eSportslogo stdLtK
LtKLunatiK eSportslogo std 0 1 Hi Fivelogo stdHi5
YomiYomilogo std 1 0 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
Hi5Hi Fivelogo std 0 1 Yomilogo stdYomi
LtKLunatiK eSportslogo std 0 1 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
LtKLunatiK eSportslogo std 0 0 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
Hi5Hi Fivelogo std 0 1 Yomilogo stdYomi
YomiYomilogo std 1 0 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
LtKLunatiK eSportslogo std 0 1 Hi Fivelogo stdHi5
YomiYomilogo std 1 0 LunatiK eSportslogo stdLtK
Hi5Hi Fivelogo std 1 0 KoS Gaminglogo stdKoS
Group B
1. COG Crusaderslogo stdCOG Crusaders 5-1
2. Resist Gaminglogo stdResist Gaming 3-3
3. Torchlogo stdTorch 3-3
4. Noble eSportslogo stdNoble eSports 1-5
Group B Matches
ResGmResist Gaminglogo std 1 0 Torchlogo stdTorch
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 COG Crusaderslogo stdCOGXD
COGXDCOG Crusaderslogo std 1 0 Resist Gaminglogo stdResGm
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 Torchlogo stdTorch
ResGmResist Gaminglogo std 1 0 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble
COGXDCOG Crusaderslogo std 1 0 Torchlogo stdTorch
COGXDCOG Crusaderslogo std 0 1 Torchlogo stdTorch
ResGmResist Gaminglogo std 0 1 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 Torchlogo stdTorch
COGXDCOG Crusaderslogo std 1 0 Resist Gaminglogo stdResGm
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 COG Crusaderslogo stdCOGXD
ResGmResist Gaminglogo std 1 0 Torchlogo stdTorch
  Semifinals Qualified
  Yomi 3
  Resist Gaming 1
  Yomi 2
  Hi Five 1
  Hi Five 3
  Cog Crusaders 0 3rd place match
  Resist Gaming 1
  Cog Crusaders 0

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