SMITE Esports Wiki
SMITE Pro League Europe Season 2 Summer Season
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
Sponsor(s)Curse Voice
FormatRound Robin
Prize Pool$ 59,000
Location & Dates
CountryEurope Europe
Start Date2015-05-14
End Date2015-06-28
WinnerTitanlogo stdTitan
SecondFnaticlogo stdFnatic
ThirdParadigmlogo stdParadigm
FourthEpsilon eSportslogo stdEpsilon eSports

The European SMITE Pro League Season 2 Summer Split will last for seven weeks.



Prize Pool

$59,000 USD is spread among the teams as follows:

Place Prize Team Roster
Gold 1 Titanlogo stdTitan AtaraxiaRepikasPrettyPriMeConfreyKanyeLife
Silver 2 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic maniaKKCaptainTwigZyrhoesRealzxBadgah
Bronze 3 Paradigmlogo stdParadigm XalieaQvoFredLawbsterFunballerTrixtank
Copper 4 $ 13,000 Epsilon eSportslogo stdEpsilon eSports NinjaDimiAdaptingYammynemilitooiRaffer
5 $ 12,500 London Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy SnakeskinSuntouchaeroShaggyshenkEmilZy
6 $ 12,000 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas VarietyFrostiaKShadowNightmareYOUNGBAEFrezzOO
7 $ 11,500 TheNightsWatchlogo stdTheNightsWatch GamehunterNinjaBobatKorinyom0eXWolfOfEloStreet
8 $ 10,000 Upcoming Starslogo stdUpcoming Stars SozageCherryoxFrostieiRensQiwen

Current Rosters

See here for match-by-match roster breakdowns.
Show RostersHide Rosters
1 Prior to Week 7, Paradigm played as TRIG eSports.


Season Rankings
1. Titanlogo stdTitan 11-3
2. Fnaticlogo stdFnatic 10-4
3. Paradigmlogo stdParadigm 10-4
4. Epsilon eSportslogo stdEpsilon eSports 8-6
5. London Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy 8-6
6. Dignitaslogo stdDignitas 4-10
7. TheNightsWatchlogo stdTheNightsWatch 3-11
8. Upcoming Starslogo stdUpcoming Stars 2-12

Weekly MVP

Week Region Player KDA Gods Played
1 EU Epsilon eSportslogo std Adapting 29.50 FenrirSquare Fenrir BellonaSquare Bellona
2 EU Fnaticlogo std CaptainTwig 21.50 ThorSquare Thor
3 NA Cloud9logo std BaRRaCCuDDa 21.00 ApolloSquare Apollo CupidSquare Cupid
4 NA AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 11.00 AwilixSquare Awilix BastetSquare Bastet
5 NA Denial eSportslogo std Macetodaface 10.50 JanusSquare Janus
6 EU TRIG eSportslogo std QvoFred 14.25 CabrakanSquare Cabrakan
7 NA AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 27.50 Ao KuangSquare Ao Kuang BakasuraSquare Bakasura

MVP Roster

Position Player KDA
Solo Paradigmlogo std Xaliea 4.59
Jungle Epsilon eSportslogo std Adapting 5.96
Mid Titanlogo std PrettyPriMe 5.43
Hunter Fnaticlogo std Realzx 4.84
Support Titanlogo std KanyeLife 1.76

Time Line

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
1 Titanlogo std 2-0 1 Titanlogo std 2-0 1 Titanlogo std 2-0 1 Titanlogo std 0-2 1 Titanlogo std 2-0 1 Titanlogo std 2-0 1 Titanlogo std 1-1
1 Fnaticlogo std 2-0 1 Fnaticlogo std 2-0 2 â–¼1 Fnaticlogo std 1-1 1 â–²1 Fnaticlogo std 1-1 1 Fnaticlogo std 2-0 2 â–¼1 Fnaticlogo std 1-1 2 Fnaticlogo std 1-1
1 Epsilon eSportslogo std 2-0 3 â–¼2 Epsilon eSportslogo std 1-1 3 Epsilon eSportslogo std 1-1 3 â–²1 London Conspiracylogo std 2-0 3 London Conspiracylogo std 2-0 3 London Conspiracylogo std 1-1 3 Paradigmlogo std 2-0
1 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 4 â–¼3 Dignitaslogo std 0-2 4 â–²1 London Conspiracylogo std 2-0 3 Epsilon eSportslogo std 1-1 4 â–²1 TRIG eSportslogo std 2-0 3 â–²1 TRIG eSportslogo std 2-0 4 â–²1 Epsilon eSportslogo std 2-0
5 TheNightsWatchlogo std 0-2 5 London Conspiracylogo std 1-1 5 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 0-2 5 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 5 â–¼2 Epsilon eSportslogo std 0-2 5 Epsilon eSportslogo std 1-1 5 â–¼2 London Conspiracylogo std 0-2
5 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-2 5 Upcoming Starslogo std 1-1 5 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-1 5 TRIG eSportslogo std 2-0 6 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 0-2 6 Dignitaslogo std 0-2 6 Dignitaslogo std 0-2
5 TRIG eSportslogo std 0-2 5 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-1 5 Upcoming Starslogo std 1-1 7 â–¼2 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-2 7 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-2 7 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-2 7 â–²1 TheNightsWatchlogo std 2-0
5 London Conspiracylogo std 0-2 8 â–¼3 TheNightsWatchlogo std 0-2 8 TheNightsWatchlogo std 0-2 8 TheNightsWatchlogo std 0-2 8 TheNightsWatchlogo std 0-2 8 TheNightsWatchlogo std 1-1 8 â–¼1 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-2


Week 1

May 14th - May 17th

Match results
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 0 2 Titanlogo stdTitan
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 0 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars
NoXTheNightsWatchlogo std 0 2 Dignitaslogo stdDIG

Week 2

May 21st - May 24th

Match results
StarsUpcoming Starslogo std 1 1 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 1 1 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 Titanlogo stdTitan
NoXTheNightsWatchlogo std 0 2 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic

Week 3

May 28th - May 31st

Match results
StarsUpcoming Starslogo std 1 1 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 1 1 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
NoXTheNightsWatchlogo std 0 2 Titanlogo stdTitan

Week 4

Jun 4th - Jun 7th

Match results
TitanTitanlogo std 0 2 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
NoXTheNightsWatchlogo std 0 2 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
StarsUpcoming Starslogo std 0 2 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
FnaticFnaticlogo std 1 1 Epsilon eSportslogo stdEpsil

Week 5

Jun 11th - Jun 14th

Match results
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 0 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 0 2 Titanlogo stdTitan
NoXTheNightsWatchlogo std 0 2 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars

Week 6

Jun 17th - Jun 20th

Match results
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 1 1 TheNightsWatchlogo stdNoX
TRIGTRIG eSportslogo std 2 0 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 1 1 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic
StarsUpcoming Starslogo std 0 2 Titanlogo stdTitan

Week 7

Jun 25th - Jun 28th

Match results
EpsilEpsilon eSportslogo std 2 0 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
StarsUpcoming Starslogo std 0 2 TheNightsWatchlogo stdNoX
TitanTitanlogo std 1 1 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 0 2 Paradigmlogo stdPDG


Jun 28th

Match results
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 0 1 Epsilon eSportslogo stdEpsil


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
  • Week 7
London ConspiracyTitan0 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-05-14 20:0013:0022:0005:00[1][2]
FnaticTRIG eSports2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-05-16 17:0010:0019:0002:00[4][5]
Epsilon eSportsUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-05-17 17:0010:0019:0002:00[7][8]
TheNightsWatchDignitas0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-05-17 18:3011:3020:3003:30[10][11]
Upcoming StarsTRIG eSports1 - 1Thu 2015-05-21 20:0013:0022:0005:00[13][14]
Epsilon eSportsLondon Conspiracy1 - 1Sat 2015-05-23 17:0010:0019:0002:00[16][17]
DignitasTitan0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-05-24 17:0010:0019:0002:00[19][20]
TheNightsWatchFnatic0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-05-24 18:3011:3020:3003:30[22][23]
Upcoming StarsFnatic1 - 1Thu 2015-05-28 20:0013:0022:0005:00[25][26]
DignitasLondon Conspiracy0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-05-30 17:0010:0019:0002:00[28][29]
Epsilon eSportsTRIG eSports1 - 1Sun 2015-05-31 17:0010:0019:0002:00[31][32]
TheNightsWatchTitan - '0 - 3Sun 2015-05-31 18:3011:3020:3003:30[34][35]
TitanTRIG eSports0 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-06-04 20:0013:0022:0005:00[37][38]
TheNightsWatchLondon Conspiracy0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-06 17:0010:0019:0002:00[40][41]
Upcoming StarsDignitas0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-07 17:0010:0019:0002:00[43][44]
FnaticEpsilon eSports1 - 1Sun 2015-06-07 18:3011:3020:3003:30[46][47]
FnaticDignitas2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-06-11 20:0013:0022:0005:00[49][50]
Epsilon eSportsTitan0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-13 17:0010:0019:0002:00[52][53]
TheNightsWatchTRIG eSports0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-14 17:0010:0019:0002:00[55][56]
London ConspiracyUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-06-14 18:3011:3020:3003:30[58][59]
Epsilon eSportsTheNightsWatch1 - 1Thu 2015-06-18 20:0013:0022:0005:00[61]
TRIG eSportsDignitas2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-06-20 17:0010:0019:0002:00[62]
London ConspiracyFnatic1 - 1Sun 2015-06-21 17:0010:0019:0002:00[63]
Upcoming StarsTitan0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-21 18:3011:3020:3003:30[64]
Epsilon eSportsDignitas2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-06-25 20:0013:0022:0005:00[65][66]
Upcoming StarsTheNightsWatch0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-06-27 17:0010:0019:0002:00[68][69]
TitanFnatic1 - 1Sun 2015-06-28 17:0010:0019:0002:00[71][72]
London ConspiracyParadigm0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-06-28 18:3011:3020:3003:30[74][75]