SMITE Esports Wiki
SMITE Pro League Europe Season 2 Spring Season
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
Sponsor(s)Curse Voice
FormatRound Robin
Prize Pool$14,750
Location & Dates
CountryEurope Europe
Start Date2015-03-07
End Date2015-04-05
WinnerTRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG eSports
SecondFnaticlogo stdFnatic
ThirdTitanlogo stdTitan
FourthLondon Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy

The European SMITE Pro League Season 2 Spring Split will last for five weeks. The top two teams will be invited to Atlanta for the Multi-Region LAN in late April.



Prize Pool

$14,750 USD is spread among the teams as follows:

Place Prize Team Roster
Gold 1 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG eSports XalieaQvoFredLawbsterFunballerTrixtank
Silver 2 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic maniaKKCaptainTwigZyrhoesRealzxBadgah
Bronze 3 $ 5,000 Titanlogo stdTitan ConfreyRepikasPrettyPriMeAtaraxiaKanyeLife
Copper 4 $ 3,500 London Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy SnakeskinSuntouchaeroShaggyshenkEmilZy
5 $ 3,250 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas VarietyFrostiaKShadowNightmareYOUNGBAEFrezzOO
6 $ 3,000 Upcoming Starslogo stdUpcoming Stars SozageCherryoxFrostieiRensQiwen

Current Rosters

See here for match-by-match roster breakdowns.
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Season Rankings
1. TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG eSports 4-1 9-3
2. Fnaticlogo stdFnatic 4-1 8-3
3. Titanlogo stdTitan 3-2 6-4
4. London Conspiracylogo stdLondon Conspiracy 2-3 6-6
5. Dignitaslogo stdDignitas 2-3 4-7
6. Upcoming Starslogo stdUpcoming Stars 0-5 0-10

[Showing Game Records. Switch to Match Records]

Weekly MVP

Week Region Player KDA Gods Played
1 NA Melior Moriorlogo std CycloneSpin 24.00 Hun BatzSquare Hun Batz TyrSquare Tyr
2 NA Denial eSportslogo std madmanmarc22 3.13 FreyaSquare Freya ChronosSquare Chronos UllrSquare Ullr
3 EU TRIG eSportslogo std Xaliea 11.25 NemesisSquare Nemesis VamanaSquare Vamana
4 EU Fnaticlogo std ManiaKK 22.5 TyrSquare Tyr HerculesSquare Hercules
5 NA AFK Gaminglogo std CycloneSpin 4.08 BakasuraSquare Bakasura ChronosSquare Chronos BellonaSquare Bellona

Time Line

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
1 London Conspiracylogo std 1-0 1 â–²1 Dignitaslogo std 1-0 1 â–²1 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-0 1 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-0 1 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-0
2 Dignitaslogo std 1-0 2 â–²3 TRIG eSportslogo std 1-0 2 â–²1 Fnaticlogo std 1-0 2 Fnaticlogo std 1-0 2 Fnaticlogo std 1-0
3 Fnaticlogo std 0-0 3 Fnaticlogo std 1-1 2 â–²1 Titanlogo std 1-0 3 â–²2 London Conspiracylogo std 1-0 3 â–²1 Titanlogo std 1-0
3 Titanlogo std 0-0 3 Titanlogo std 1-1 4 â–¼3 Dignitaslogo std 0-1 4 â–¼2 Titanlogo std 0-1 4 â–¼1 London Conspiracylogo std 0-1
5 TRIG eSportslogo std 0-1 3 â–¼2 London Conspiracylogo std 0-1 5 â–¼2 London Conspiracylogo std 0-1 5 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 0-1 5 Dignitaslogo std 0-1
6 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-1 6 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-1 6 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-1 6 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-1 6 Upcoming Starslogo std 0-1

Eye - Show All 2Matches


Week 1

Mar 7th - Mar 8th

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 1 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
LCLondon Conspiracylogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars

Week 2

Mar 12th - Mar 15th

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars
TitanTitanlogo std 2 0 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
FnaticFnaticlogo std 0 2 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 0 Titanlogo stdTitan

Week 3

Mar 19th - Mar 22nd

Match results
TRIGTRIG eSportslogo std 2 1 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 0 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
TitanTitanlogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars

Week 4

Mar 26th - Mar 29th

Match results
TitanTitanlogo std 0 2 TRIG eSportslogo stdTRIG
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars

Week 5

Apr 2nd - Apr 5th

Match results
FnaticFnaticlogo std 2 1 London Conspiracylogo stdLC
TRIGTRIG eSportslogo std 2 0 Upcoming Starslogo stdStars
TitanTitanlogo std 2 0 Dignitaslogo stdDIG


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
DignitasTRIG eSports2 - 13 - 0Sat 2015-03-07 18:0010:0019:0003:00[1][2][3][4] London ConspiracyUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-03-08 17:0010:0018:0002:00[5][6][7][8]
DignitasUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Thu 2015-03-12 20:0013:0021:0005:00[9][10][11][12] TitanLondon Conspiracy2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-03-14 17:0010:0018:0002:00[13][14][15][16] FnaticTRIG eSports0 - 20 - 3Sun 2015-03-15 17:0010:0018:0002:00[17][18][19][20] FnaticTitan2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-03-15 20:0013:0021:0005:00[21][22][23][24]
TRIG eSportsLondon Conspiracy2 - 13 - 0Thu 2015-03-19 20:0013:0021:0005:00[25][26][27][28] FnaticDignitas2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-03-21 17:0010:0018:0002:00[29][30][31][32] TitanUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-03-22 17:0010:0018:0002:00[33][34][35][36]
TitanTRIG eSports0 - 20 - 3Thu 2015-03-26 20:0013:0021:0005:00[37][38][39][40] DignitasLondon Conspiracy0 - 20 - 3Sat 2015-03-28 17:0010:0018:0002:00[41][42][43][44] FnaticUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-03-29 17:0010:0019:0002:00[45][46][47][48]
FnaticLondon Conspiracy2 - 13 - 0Thu 2015-04-02 20:0013:0022:0005:00[49][50][51][52] TRIG eSportsUpcoming Stars2 - 03 - 0Sat 2015-04-04 17:0010:0019:0002:00[53][54][55][56] TitanDignitas2 - 03 - 0Sun 2015-04-05 17:0010:0019:0002:00[57][58][59][60]