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SMITE Pro League North America 2018 Fall Season
SPL2018logo square
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
FormatDouble Round Robin
Location & Dates
CountryNorth America North America
LocationNorth America
Start Date2018-08-29
End Date2018-10-05
WinnerEUnitedlogo stdeUnited
SecondSplycelogo stdSplyce
ThirdSpacestation Gaminglogo stdSpacestation
FourthTrifectalogo stdTrifecta


The 2018 Season NA SPL Fall Season is the fifth year of the North America SMITE professional league. Six North American teams will play on a weekly schedule to determine qualifying for SMITE World Championship 2019 & SWC 2019 Qualifiers


Patch Information

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6

Prize Pool

Place Team Roster
Gold 1 EUnitedlogo stdeUnited BenjiScreammmmmBaskinPandaCatPolarBearMike
Silver 2 Splycelogo stdSplyce DiviosCynomoswalCycloneSpinAror
Bronze 3 Spacestation Gaminglogo stdSpacestation Gaming AquariusAndinsterVenenuBaRRaCCuDDaJeffHindla
Copper 4 Trifectalogo stdTrifecta ScaryDsam4soccer2PaulZapmanNeiruMah
5 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming fineokayMaskHurriwindSnoopyJigz
6 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming KikiSoCheekyWeak3nNotGenoCloutInbowned


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Season Standings
Smite World Championship 2019
SWC 2019 Qualifiers Quarterfinals
SWC 2019 Qualifiers
Standings Help Icon
1 EUnitedlogo stdeUnited 9 - 1 90% 19 - 3 86%
2 Splycelogo stdSplyce 8 - 2 80% 16 - 8 67%
3 Spacestation Gaminglogo stdSpacestation Gaming 6 - 4 60% 14 - 8 64%
4 Trifectalogo stdTrifecta 4 - 7 36% 8 - 14 36%
5 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCounter Logic Gaming 3 - 8 27% 7 - 17 29%
6 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming 1 - 9 10% 4 - 18 18%

[Showing Game Records. Switch to Match Records]


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
1 EUnitedlogo std 2-0 1 EUnitedlogo std 2-0 1 EUnitedlogo std 1-0 1 EUnitedlogo std 2-0 1 EUnitedlogo std 1-1 1 EUnitedlogo std 1-0
2 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 1-0 2 â–²2 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 2-0 2 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 0-1 2 â–²1 Splycelogo std 1-0 2 Splycelogo std 2-0 2 Splycelogo std 2-0
3 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 1-1 3 â–¼1 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 0-2 3 â–²2 Splycelogo std 2-0 3 â–¼1 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 1-1 3 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 2-0 3 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 0-1
4 Spacestation Gaminglogo std 1-1 3 â–¼1 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 0-1 4 â–¼1 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 1-1 4 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 0-1 4 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 0-2 4 â–²1 Trifectalogo std 2-1
5 Splycelogo std 0-1 5 Splycelogo std 1-1 5 â–¼1 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 0-2 5 â–²1 Trifectalogo std 1-1 5 Trifectalogo std 0-1 5 â–¼1 Counter Logic Gaminglogo std 1-2
6 Trifectalogo std 0-2 6 Trifectalogo std 0-1 6 Trifectalogo std 1-1 6 â–¼1 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 0-2 6 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 0-1 6 Luminosity Gaminglogo std 0-2

[Show Cumulative Records]


Eye - Show All 2Matches

Week 1

August 29 - August 31

Match results
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Spacestation Gaminglogo stdSSG
TFECTTrifectalogo std 0 2 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 0 2 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 1 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG

Week 2

September 5 - September 7

Match results
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 2 1 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Splycelogo stdSplyce
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG

Week 3

September 12 - September 14

Match results
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 1 2 Splycelogo stdSplyce
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
TFECTTrifectalogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
CLGCounter Logic Gaminglogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG

Week 4

September 19 - September 21

Match results
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Spacestation Gaminglogo stdSSG
TFECTTrifectalogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG

Week 5

September 26 - September 28

Match results
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
eUEUnitedlogo std 1 2 Splycelogo stdSplyce
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG

Week 6

October 3 - October 5

Match results
SSGSpacestation Gaminglogo std 1 2 Splycelogo stdSplyce
eUEUnitedlogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG
TFECTTrifectalogo std 2 0 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG
SplyceSplycelogo std 2 0 Trifectalogo stdTFECT
CLGCounter Logic Gaminglogo std 2 1 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLG


October 5

Match results
TFECTTrifectalogo std 2 0 Counter Logic Gaminglogo stdCLG


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
eUnitedSpacestation Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-08-29 17:0010:0018:0002:00 TrifectaCounter Logic Gaming0 - 20 - 3Wed 2018-08-29 19:0012:0020:0004:00 SplyceLuminosity Gaming0 - 20 - 3Wed 2018-08-29 21:0014:0022:0006:00 Spacestation GamingTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-08-31 20:0013:0021:0005:00 eUnitedLuminosity Gaming2 - 13 - 0Fri 2018-08-31 22:0015:0023:0007:00
eUnitedTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-05 17:0010:0018:0002:00 Spacestation GamingLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-05 19:0012:0020:0004:00 SplyceCounter Logic Gaming2 - 13 - 0Wed 2018-09-05 21:0014:0022:0006:00 eUnitedSplyce2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-07 20:0013:0021:0005:00 Spacestation GamingCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-07 22:0015:0023:0007:00
Spacestation GamingSplyce1 - 20 - 3Wed 2018-09-12 17:0010:0018:0002:00 eUnitedCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-12 19:0012:0020:0004:00 TrifectaLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-12 21:0014:0022:0006:00 SplyceTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-14 20:0013:0021:0005:00 Counter Logic GamingLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-14 22:0015:0023:0007:00
eUnitedSpacestation Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-19 17:0010:0018:0002:00 TrifectaCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-19 19:0012:0020:0004:00 SplyceLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-19 21:0014:0022:0006:00 Spacestation GamingTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-21 20:0013:0021:0005:00 eUnitedLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-21 22:0015:0023:0007:00
eUnitedTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-26 17:0010:0018:0002:00 Spacestation GamingLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-26 19:0012:0020:0004:00 SplyceCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-09-26 21:0014:0022:0006:00 eUnitedSplyce1 - 20 - 3Fri 2018-09-28 20:0013:0021:0005:00 Spacestation GamingCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-09-28 22:0015:0023:0007:00
Spacestation GamingSplyce1 - 20 - 3Wed 2018-10-03 17:0010:0018:0002:00 eUnitedCounter Logic Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-10-03 19:0012:0020:0004:00 TrifectaLuminosity Gaming2 - 03 - 0Wed 2018-10-03 21:0014:0022:0006:00 SplyceTrifecta2 - 03 - 0Fri 2018-10-05 20:0013:0021:0005:00 Counter Logic GamingLuminosity Gaming2 - 13 - 0Fri 2018-10-05 22:0015:0023:0007:00


