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SMITE Pro League Europe 2018 Summer Season
SPL2018logo square
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
Location & Dates
CountryEurope Europe
Start Date2018-05-28
End Date2018-07-05
WinnerNRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports
SecondTeam RivaLlogo stdTeam RivaL
ThirdDignitaslogo stdDignitas
FourthMousesportslogo stdmousesports

The 2018 Season EU SPL Summer Season is the fifth year of the Europe SMITE professional league. Six European teams will play on a weekly schedule to determine who will represent the European region in 2018 SPL Summer Finals.



  • 6 weeks of plays.
  • Double Round Robin.
  • Each set is best of three.
  • Top 2 teams qualify to 2018 SPL Summer Finals

Patch Information

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Patch v.5.7
Disabled AchillesSquare

Prize Pool

Place Team Roster
Gold 1 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports maniaKKAdaptingYammynemilitooEmilZy
Silver 2 Team RivaLlogo stdTeam RivaL DeathwalkericeicebabyyWlfyVoteKaLaS
Bronze 3 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas VarietyQvoFredZyrhoesArkkylTrixtank
Copper 4 Mousesportslogo stdmousesports NikaCherryoBigManTingzSpudioDardez
5 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey Alliance XalieaCaptainTwigPrettyPriMeAtaraxiaiRaffer
6 SK Gaminglogo stdSK Gaming Duck3yFaelesLawbsterFunballerHalfDevil


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Season Standings
Qualify to Summer Finals
Standings Help Icon
1 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports 8 - 2 80% 17 - 6 74%
2 Team RivaLlogo stdTeam RivaL 7 - 3 70% 16 - 9 64%
3 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas 6 - 4 60% 13 - 10 57%
4 Mousesportslogo stdmousesports 5 - 5 50% 12 - 12 50%
5 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey Alliance 4 - 6 40% 10 - 14 42%
6 SK Gaminglogo stdSK Gaming 0 - 10 0% 3 - 20 13%

[Showing Game Records. Switch to Match Records]


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
1 Obey Alliancelogo std 1-0 1 â–²3 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 1 â–²1 NRG Esportslogo std 2-0 1 NRG Esportslogo std 1-1 1 NRG Esportslogo std 1-0 1
2 Team RivaLlogo std 1-1 2 â–²1 NRG Esportslogo std 1-0 2 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 1-0 2 â–²1 Team RivaLlogo std 2-0 2 Team RivaLlogo std 1-1 2
3 NRG Esportslogo std 1-1 3 â–¼2 Obey Alliancelogo std 1-1 3 â–²1 Team RivaLlogo std 1-0 3 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 0-2 3 Dignitaslogo std 1-1 3
4 Dignitaslogo std 1-1 4 â–¼2 Team RivaLlogo std 1-1 4 â–²1 Mousesportslogo std 1-1 4 â–²1 Obey Alliancelogo std 1-0 4 â–²1 Mousesportslogo std 1-0 4
5 Mousesportslogo std 1-1 5 Mousesportslogo std 0-1 5 â–¼2 Obey Alliancelogo std 0-2 5 â–¼1 Mousesportslogo std 1-1 5 â–¼1 Obey Alliancelogo std 1-1 5
6 SK Gaminglogo std 0-1 6 SK Gaminglogo std 0-2 6 SK Gaminglogo std 0-2 6 SK Gaminglogo std 0-1 6 SK Gaminglogo std 0-2 6

[Show Cumulative Records]


Eye - Show All 2Matches

Week 1

May 28 - May 31

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 1 Team RivaLlogo stdRvL
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
mouzMousesportslogo std 2 1 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 0 Mousesportslogo stdmouz

Week 2

June 4 - June 7

Match results
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 1 Mousesportslogo stdmouz
ObeyObey Alliancelogo std 2 1 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 1 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey

Week 3

June 11 - June 14

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 1 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 2 0 Mousesportslogo stdmouz
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
ObeyObey Alliancelogo std 0 2 Mousesportslogo stdmouz

Week 4

June 18 - June 21

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 1 2 Team RivaLlogo stdRvL
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 1 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
mouzMousesportslogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 0 Mousesportslogo stdmouz

Week 5

June 25 - June 28

Match results
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 1 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 Mousesportslogo stdmouz
ObeyObey Alliancelogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey

Week 6

July 2 - July 5

Match results
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 2 0 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 2 1 Mousesportslogo stdmouz
NRGNRG Esportslogo std 2 0 SK Gaminglogo stdSK
ObeyObey Alliancelogo std 1 2 Mousesportslogo stdmouz


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
  • Week 6
DignitasTeam RivaL2 - 13 - 0Mon 2018-05-28 19:0012:0020:0004:00[1] NRG EsportsObey Alliance0 - 20 - 3Tue 2018-05-29 19:0012:0020:0004:00 mousesportsSK Gaming2 - 13 - 0Tue 2018-05-29 21:0014:0022:0006:00 DignitasNRG Esports0 - 20 - 3Thu 2018-05-31 19:0012:0020:0004:00 Team RivaLmousesports2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-05-31 21:0014:0022:0006:00
Team RivaLNRG Esports0 - 20 - 3Mon 2018-06-04 19:0012:0021:0004:00[2] Dignitasmousesports2 - 13 - 0Tue 2018-06-05 19:0012:0021:0004:00[3] Obey AllianceSK Gaming2 - 13 - 0Tue 2018-06-05 21:0014:0023:0006:00[4] Team RivaLSK Gaming2 - 13 - 0Thu 2018-06-07 19:0012:0021:0004:00[5] DignitasObey Alliance2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-06-07 21:0014:0023:0006:00[6]
DignitasSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Mon 2018-06-11 19:0012:0021:0004:00[7] Team RivaLObey Alliance2 - 13 - 0Tue 2018-06-12 19:0012:0021:0004:00[8] NRG Esportsmousesports2 - 03 - 0Tue 2018-06-12 21:0014:0023:0006:00[9] NRG EsportsSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-06-14 19:0012:0021:0004:00[10] Obey Alliancemousesports0 - 20 - 3Thu 2018-06-14 21:0014:0023:0006:00[11]
DignitasTeam RivaL1 - 20 - 3Mon 2018-06-18 19:0012:0021:0004:00[12] NRG EsportsObey Alliance1 - 20 - 3Tue 2018-06-19 19:0012:0021:0004:00[13] mousesportsSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Tue 2018-06-19 21:0014:0023:0006:00[14] DignitasNRG Esports0 - 20 - 3Thu 2018-06-21 19:0012:0021:0004:00 Team RivaLmousesports2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-06-21 21:0014:0023:0006:00
Team RivaLNRG Esports1 - 20 - 3Mon 2018-06-25 19:0012:0021:0004:00 Dignitasmousesports0 - 20 - 3Tue 2018-06-26 19:0012:0021:0004:00 Obey AllianceSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Tue 2018-06-26 21:0014:0023:0006:00 Team RivaLSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-06-28 19:0012:0021:0004:00 DignitasObey Alliance2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-06-28 21:0014:0023:0006:00
DignitasSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Mon 2018-07-02 19:0012:0021:0004:00 Team RivaLObey Alliance2 - 03 - 0Tue 2018-07-03 19:0012:0021:0004:00 NRG Esportsmousesports2 - 13 - 0Tue 2018-07-03 21:0014:0023:0006:00 NRG EsportsSK Gaming2 - 03 - 0Thu 2018-07-05 19:0012:0021:0004:00 Obey Alliancemousesports1 - 20 - 3Thu 2018-07-05 21:0014:0023:0006:00


