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SMITE Pro League North America 2017 Spring Relegations
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
Location & Dates
CountryNorth America North America
LocationNorth America

The North American SMITE Pro League 2017 Spring Relegations grant three teams a spot in the 2017 SPL Spring Split.



  • Six teams attend
  • Each match is Best of One
  • Rankings are determined by the following methods:
    1. Win Percentage
    2. Total Wins (Or fewest losses when teams have no wins)
    3. Alphabetical order
  • Show Tiebreaker Rules

Qualified Teams

Place Team Roster
Qualified Q Enemylogo stdEnemy MrMakeyVarizial1KhaosPandaCatPainDeViande
In Memory of Gabelogo stdIn Memory of Gabe WhalrusCynosureHurriwindSnoopyEonic
Noble eSportslogo stdNoble eSports UzzyelchapooMLCst3althWowyWubbn
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1 Team EnVyUs released their roster. NeilM take over the spot. Eye - Show All 2Rosters


Season Standings
SPL Spring Seed
Relegated to CC
Standings Help Icon
1 In Memory of Gabelogo stdIn Memory of Gabe 4 - 0 100%
2 Enemylogo stdEnemy 3 - 1 75%
3 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble eSports 2 - 3 40%
4 NeilMlogo stdNeilM 2 - 3 40%
5 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope is Still the Problem 2 - 3 40%
6 Astral Authoritylogo stdAstral Authority 1 - 4 20%
Match results
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 1 0 Astral Authoritylogo stdAstral
NMEEnemylogo std 1 0 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
NeilMNeilMlogo std 0 1 In Memory of Gabelogo stdBORKD
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 Enemylogo stdNME
BORKDIn Memory of Gabelogo std 1 0 Astral Authoritylogo stdAstral
NeilMNeilMlogo std 0 1 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
BORKDIn Memory of Gabelogo std 1 0 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
NMEEnemylogo std 0 1 Astral Authoritylogo stdAstral
NeilMNeilMlogo std 1 0 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble
AstralAstral Authoritylogo std 0 1 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
NeilMNeilMlogo std 0 1 Enemylogo stdNME
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 0 1 In Memory of Gabelogo stdBORKD
NobleNoble eSportslogo std 1 0 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
NeilMNeilMlogo std 0 0 Astral Authoritylogo stdAstral
NMEEnemylogo std 0 0 In Memory of Gabelogo stdBORKD
NeilMNeilMlogo std 1 0 Cope is Still the Problemlogo stdCope
NeilMNeilMlogo std 0 1 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble
CopeCope is Still the Problemlogo std 0 1 Noble eSportslogo stdNoble
  • The match between Enemy and In Memory of Gabe was not played, as it would have no influence on the final outcome of the tournament.


[Show all Results]

Noble eSportsAstral Authority1 - 03 - 0Sun 2017-02-12 18:0010:0019:0003:00 EnemyCope is Still the Problem1 - 03 - 0Sun 2017-02-12 18:4510:4519:4503:45 NeilMIn Memory of Gabe0 - 10 - 3Sun 2017-02-12 19:3011:3020:3004:30 Noble eSportsEnemy0 - 10 - 3Sun 2017-02-12 20:1512:1521:1505:15 In Memory of GabeAstral Authority1 - 03 - 0Sun 2017-02-12 21:0013:0022:0006:00 NeilMCope is Still the Problem0 - 10 - 3Sun 2017-02-12 21:4513:4522:4506:45 In Memory of GabeCope is Still the Problem1 - 03 - 0Sun 2017-02-12 22:3014:3023:3007:30 EnemyAstral Authority0 - 10 - 3Sun 2017-02-12 23:0015:0000:0008:00 NeilMNoble eSports1 - 03 - 0Sun 2017-02-12 23:4515:4500:4508:45 Astral AuthorityCope is Still the Problem0 - 10 - 3Mon 2017-02-13 00:0016:0001:0009:00 NeilMEnemy0 - 10 - 3Mon 2017-02-13 00:3016:3001:3009:30 Noble eSportsIn Memory of Gabe0 - 10 - 3Mon 2017-02-13 01:0017:0002:0010:00 Noble eSportsCope is Still the Problem1 - 03 - 0Mon 2017-02-13 01:3017:3002:3010:30 NeilMAstral Authority1 - 03 - 0Mon 2017-02-13 01:5017:5002:5010:50 EnemyIn Memory of Gabe0 - 01 - 1Mon 2017-02-13 02:1518:1503:1511:15 NeilMCope is Still the Problem1 - 03 - 0Mon 2017-02-13 02:4518:4503:4511:45 NeilMNoble eSports0 - 10 - 3Mon 2017-02-13 03:1519:1504:1512:15 Cope is Still the ProblemNoble eSports0 - 10 - 3Mon 2017-02-13 03:4519:4504:4512:45

