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SMITE Pro League Europe 2017 Spring Season
Tournament Information
OrganizerHi-Rez Studios
FormatRound Robin
Location & Dates
CountryEurope Europe
Start Date2017-02-18
End Date2017-03-25
WinnerObey Alliancelogo stdObey Alliance
SecondDignitaslogo stdDignitas
ThirdNRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports
FourthEanixlogo stdEanix

The SMITE Pro League is Europe's professional SMITE league. Eight teams will compete in a round robin stage where the teams compete for a place in the finals.



  • 6 weeks of play
  • Round Robin
  • Each match is Best of Two
  • Rankings are determined by the following methods:
    1. Points (3-1-0 Win-Tie-Loss system)
    2. Matches Won
    3. Alphabetical order
  • Placement:

Prize Pool

Place Team Roster
Gold 1 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey Alliance maniaKKCaptainTwigPrettyPriMeAtaraxiaEmilZy
Silver 2 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas VarietyQvoFredZyrhoesArkkylTrixtank
Bronze 3 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports DimiAdaptingYammynemilitooiRaffer
Copper 4 Eanixlogo stdEanix XalieaCherryoLawbsterFunballerBigManTingz
5 Team RivaLlogo stdTeam RivaL DeathwalkericeicebabyyWlfyVoteKaLaS
6 Elevatelogo stdElevate N0NumbersFaelesNulisaJermainDardez
7 Lion Guard eSportslogo stdLion Guard eSports Duck3yRearwardShadowNightmareFleuryQFrezzyy
8 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSanguine Esports TheDarkDodoMikeTheMagikarpMrSt3fanNikaDeathPanter


Eye - Show All 2Rosters

See here for match-by-match roster breakdowns. See here for preseason roster swap information.
1 Eanix acquired the roster of Valance Squad during Week 5.
2 Lion Guard eSports acquired the roster of Novus Orsa prior to Week 2.
3 Team RivaL acquired the roster of Cyclone prior to Week 5.


Season Standings
Finals Seed
Plays in Gauntlet
Standings Help Icon
Team Series Games P
1 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey Alliance 6 - 1 - 0 13 - 1 92% 19
2 Dignitaslogo stdDignitas 4 - 2 - 1 10 - 4 71% 14
3 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG Esports 3 - 3 - 1 9 - 5 64% 12
4 Eanixlogo stdEanix 3 - 2 - 2 8 - 6 57% 11
5 Team RivaLlogo stdTeam RivaL 2 - 2 - 3 6 - 8 42% 8
6 Elevatelogo stdElevate 1 - 4 - 2 6 - 8 42% 7
7 Lion Guard eSportslogo stdLion Guard eSports 1 - 2 - 4 4 - 10 28% 5
8 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSanguine Esports 0 - 0 - 7 0 - 14 0% 0

Weekly MVP

Week Player KDA Gods Played
1 Obey Alliancelogo std CaptainTwig 9.33 SerqetSquare Serqet Hun BatzSquare Hun Batz
2 Dignitaslogo std QvoFred 16.5 Hun BatzSquare Hun Batz RatatoskrSquare Ratatoskr
3 Valance Squadlogo std Lawbster 19.0 ZeusSquare Zeus PoseidonSquare Poseidon
4 Obey Alliancelogo std Ataraxia 9.66 RamaSquare Rama SkadiSquare Skadi


Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
1 Obey Alliancelogo std 2-0 3 1 â–¬ Valance Squadlogo std 2-0 7 1 â–¬ Valance Squadlogo std 2-0 10 1 â–²2 Obey Alliancelogo std 4-0 13 1 â–¬ Obey Alliancelogo std 4-0 19
1 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 3 2 â–¼1 Obey Alliancelogo std 2-0 6 1 â–²1 Dignitaslogo std 3-1 10 2 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 1-3 11 2 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 14
1 Valance Squadlogo std 2-0 3 2 â–¼1 Dignitaslogo std 2-0 6 3 â–¼1 Obey Alliancelogo std 1-1 7 2 â–¼1 Valance Squadlogo std 1-3 11 3 â–²1 NRG Esportslogo std 2-0 12
4 Elevatelogo std 1-1 1 4 â–¬ Lion Guard eSportslogo std 0-2 4 4 â–¬ Lion Guard eSportslogo std 1-3 5 4 â–¬ NRG Esportslogo std 3-1 9 4 â–¼2 Eanixlogo std 0-2 11
4 Novus Orsalogo std 1-1 1 4 â–²2 NRG Esportslogo std 2-0 4 4 â–¬ NRG Esportslogo std 1-1 5 5 â–²2 Cyclonelogo std 2-0 5 5 â–¬ Team RivaLlogo std 2-2 8
6 Cyclonelogo std 0-2 0 6 â–¼2 Elevatelogo std 0-2 1 6 â–¬ Elevatelogo std 2-2 3 5 â–¼1 Lion Guard eSportslogo std 0-2 5 6 â–²1 Elevatelogo std 2-2 7
6 NRG Esportslogo std 0-2 0 7 â–¼1 Cyclonelogo std 0-2 0 7 â–¬ Cyclonelogo std 2-2 1 7 â–¼1 Elevatelogo std 1-1 4 7 â–¼1 Lion Guard eSportslogo std 0-2 5
6 Sanguine Esportslogo std 0-2 0 7 â–¼1 Sanguine Esportslogo std 0-2 0 8 â–¼1 Sanguine Esportslogo std 0-2 0 8 â–¬ Sanguine Esportslogo std 0-2 0 8 â–¬ Sanguine Esportslogo std 0-4 0

[Show Cumulative Records]


Eye - Show All 2Matches

Week 1

Feb 18th

Match results
CycloneCyclonelogo std 0 2 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
SnGSanguine Esportslogo std 0 2 Valance Squadlogo stdVAC
NNovus Orsalogo std 1 1 Elevatelogo stdELV
ObeyObey Alliancelogo std 2 0 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG

Week 2

Feb 23rd - Feb 25th

Match results
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 2 0 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSnG
VACValance Squadlogo std 1 1 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
ELVElevatelogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
CycloneCyclonelogo std 0 2 Valance Squadlogo stdVAC
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 0 2 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
SnGSanguine Esportslogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey

Week 3

Mar 2nd - Mar 4th

Match results
ELVElevatelogo std 1 1 Dignitaslogo stdDIG
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 1 1 Cyclonelogo stdCyclone
CycloneCyclonelogo std 1 1 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 0 2 Valance Squadlogo stdVAC
ELVElevatelogo std 1 1 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSnG

Week 4

Mar 16th - Mar 18th

Match results
VACValance Squadlogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
DIGDignitaslogo std 1 1 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG
DIGDignitaslogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
ELVElevatelogo std 1 1 Valance Squadlogo stdVAC
CycloneCyclonelogo std 2 0 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSnG

Week 5

Mar 23rd - Mar 25th

Match results
RvLTeam RivaLlogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
ELVElevatelogo std 2 0 Sanguine Esportslogo stdSnG
LionLion Guard eSportslogo std 0 2 Obey Alliancelogo stdObey
DIGDignitaslogo std 2 0 Eanixlogo stdEanix
ELVElevatelogo std 0 2 Team RivaLlogo stdRvL
SnGSanguine Esportslogo std 0 2 NRG Esportslogo stdNRG


[Show all Results]

  • Week 1
  • Week 2
  • Week 3
  • Week 4
  • Week 5
CycloneDignitas0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-18 18:0010:0019:0003:00 Sanguine EsportsValance Squad0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-18 19:4511:4520:4504:45 Novus OrsaElevate1 - 11 - 1Sat 2017-02-18 21:3013:3022:3006:30 Obey AllianceNRG Esports2 - 03 - 0Sat 2017-02-18 23:1515:1500:1508:15
Lion Guard eSportsSanguine Esports2 - 03 - 0Thu 2017-02-23 18:0010:0019:0003:00 Valance SquadNRG Esports1 - 11 - 1Thu 2017-02-23 19:4511:4520:4504:45 ElevateNRG Esports0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-25 18:0010:0019:0003:00 CycloneValance Squad0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-25 19:4511:4520:4504:45 Lion Guard eSportsDignitas0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-25 21:3013:3022:3006:30 Sanguine EsportsObey Alliance0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-02-25 23:1515:1500:1508:15
ElevateDignitas1 - 11 - 1Thu 2017-03-02 18:0010:0019:0003:00 Lion Guard eSportsCyclone1 - 11 - 1Thu 2017-03-02 19:4511:4520:4504:45 CycloneNRG Esports1 - 11 - 1Sat 2017-03-04 18:0010:0019:0003:00 Lion Guard eSportsValance Squad0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-03-04 19:4511:4520:4504:45 ElevateObey Alliance1 - 11 - 1Sat 2017-03-04 21:3013:3022:3006:30 DignitasSanguine Esports2 - 03 - 0Sat 2017-03-04 23:1515:1500:1508:15
Valance SquadObey Alliance0 - 20 - 3Thu 2017-03-16 17:0010:0018:0002:00 DignitasNRG Esports1 - 11 - 1Thu 2017-03-16 21:3014:3022:3006:30 Lion Guard eSportsNRG Esports - Sat 2017-03-18 17:0010:0018:0002:00 DignitasObey Alliance - Sat 2017-03-18 18:4511:4519:4503:45 ElevateValance Squad - Sat 2017-03-18 20:3013:3021:3005:30 CycloneSanguine Esports - Sat 2017-03-18 22:1515:1523:1507:15
Team RivaLObey Alliance0 - 20 - 3Thu 2017-03-23 17:0010:0018:0002:00 ElevateSanguine Esports2 - 03 - 0Thu 2017-03-23 21:3014:3022:3006:30 Lion Guard eSportsObey Alliance0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-03-25 17:0010:0018:0002:00 DignitasEanix2 - 03 - 0Sat 2017-03-25 18:4511:4519:4503:45 ElevateTeam RivaL0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-03-25 20:3013:3021:3005:30 Sanguine EsportsNRG Esports0 - 20 - 3Sat 2017-03-25 22:1515:1523:1507:15