SMITE Esports Wiki
Team has disbanded.
Orbit eSport
Orbit logo
Team Information
Org LocationSweden Sweden
Elgato Gaming
Scuf Gaming
Created (1)2015-12-28 (SMITE Xbox division)
Disbanded (1)2016-02-08
Created (2)2016-09-24 (SMITE PC division)
Disbanded (2)2016-01-08
Social Media & Links
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Orbit eSport is a Swedish eSports organization. Outside of SMITE, they have teams in Counter Strike; Global Offensive, Gears of War, Rocket League, and Call of Duty.

For more information about their former SMITE Xbox team, see here. For information about their Gears of War team, see their page on Gears of War Esports Wikis. For information on their Call of Duty team, see their page on Call of Duty Esports Wiki.


Console Team

Team Orbit made their first entrance in SMITE on December 28, 2015.

Season 3

Rejoining SMITE and Controversy

The team of Orbit eSport, then known Bipolar Method, were in an interesting predicament. They just left their original organization of Paradigm after a controversy that seemed grossly unfavorable to the players, and were looking for an organization to join them as they entered the Fall Season LAN. Xaliea, the team's solo laner at the time, mentioned in their rosters' statement involving the Paradigm incident that they were in talks Orbit eSport as a potential organization. Most of the community at the time took this in disgust, as Orbit was in a controversy the prior year within the console scene, where they were accused of taking advantage of their players and not paying accordingly. Big names such as dmbrandon were very cynical about this rumor. Despite this, the org attempted to apologize for this by firing those involved and cleaning up past PR debacles, though some were still skeptical. Nevertheless, the roster was announced to be fully under the Orbit banner on October 12, 2016.

LAN Stages

Orbit played in Group A of the Fall Season. The team was expected to win the group single handily, and for the most part, that was the case. Orbit dominated the lan, only losing 2 games to Dignitas and Elevate. They took 2nd overall in the standings, only 2 points behind NRG eSports, the team's unsung rivals. They were expected to win their spot in the Regional Championships and possibly beat NRG to take 1st in the series, but was taken down by Obey Alliance 3-1, pushing them into the Wildcard Stages.

The Wildcard, however, did not go as the team nor the fans expected. Despite winning games against expected targets Sanguine Esports, the team lost every game they had after that outside of their final game against Flash Point GG.

Due to this, Orbit could not pay for the roster due to a lack of income from their SMITE division, so instead of holding the team back to lead to more controversy, they let the team go, to hopefully leave the scene without too much of a stir.


  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015

Player Roster


C ID Name Role Next Team
Xaliea Jeroen Klaver Solo Laner Valance Squadlogo stdValance Squad
QvoFred Anders Korsbo Jungler Variety's New Teamlogo stdVariety's New Team
Lawbster Emil Evensen Mid Laner Valance Squadlogo stdValance Squad
Funballer Kieran Patidar Hunter Valance Squadlogo stdValance Squad
Trixtank Jeppe Gylling Support Variety's New Teamlogo stdVariety's New Team
Lloydy Robert Lloyd Sub/Mid/Solo
Sealcar Derek Apperson Solo Laner Logo stdThe SamBams
Peny Stefan Nahar Jungler
Clow Shane Rymkowski Mid Laner Most Wanted eSports Xboxlogo stdMost Wanted eSports Xbox
Transonics Christopher Pinales Hunter Most Wanted eSports Xboxlogo stdMost Wanted eSports Xbox
Wubbn Derek M. Gibson Jr. Support Risky Behaviorlogo stdRisky Behavior



ID Name Position
Gordo Patrik Andersson CEO
Skoal Robbie Meade III Co-Owner
Apex Brian Pickens General Manager


ID Name Position Next Team
Mystx Coach
ImDazer Darren Patrick Coach

Team Achievements

Orbit eSport Tournament Results
Total Prize:

Highlight Videos


See Also

External Links

