SMITE Esports Wiki
Team has disbanded.
Most Wanted eSports
Most Wanted eSports
Team Information
Org LocationCanada Canada
 North America
Sponsor(s)Sector Six
Created (1)2016-07-09 (SMITE division)
Disbanded (1)2016-08-28
Created (2)2016-10-25
Social Media & Links
Infobox Homepagelogo std
Infobox Twitterlogo std

Most Wanted eSports is a Canadian eSports organization. For their SMITE Xbox team, see here. Aside from SMITE, the organization also has teams in Gears of War and Call of Duty. To see the page for the Most Wanted eSports Call of Duty team, see their page on CoD eSports wiki.


Season 3

Challenger Cup

With the high success of their XBOX team during the Smite Counsel League, Most Wanted eSports decided to pick up a PC team. On June 11, 2016, The org acquired the team known as Salsa Squadron, a well respected team in the SMITE Challenger Cup. However, in the final tournament, the team lost to Risky Behavior, disqualifying them for getting into the SPL Relegations.

On August 1, Most Wanted announced that they have disbanded the team and had signed with Sanguine Esports, the first place Challenger team going into Relegations.


  • 2017
  • 2016

Player Roster

Temporary Subs

ID Name Role Replacing Tournament
ManRay Mid  Wolp Season 3 NA SPL Fall Gauntlet


C ID Name Role Next Team
Whiskey Mohammed McClendon Solo Laner
Plazma Jungler A Mighty Størmlogo stdA Mighty Størm
Wolp Mid Laner A Mighty Størmlogo stdA Mighty Størm
NikHaro Support NeilMlogo stdNeilM
DayToRemeber Michael Galvin Hunter NeilMlogo stdNeilM
Aquarius Ryan O'Neill Solo Laner Flash Point eSportslogo stdFlash Point eSports
fineokay Alec Fonzo Solo Laner Salsa Squadronlogo stdSalsa Squadron
Medieval Jalen Green Jungler Relegation Rejectslogo stdRelegation Rejects
Covi Connor Viens Mid Laner Relegation Rejectslogo stdRelegation Rejects
FaymousHate Damian Gudel Hunter Relegation Rejectslogo stdRelegation Rejects
Rachetier Jesse Rhodes Support Salsa Squadronlogo stdSalsa Squadron
Kaeydan Trevor Watson Jungler Risky Behaviorlogo stdRisky Behavior
Sheyka Jon Sheyka Mid Laner Salsa Squadronlogo stdSalsa Squadron
Wowy Jacob Carter Hunter Salsa Squadronlogo stdSalsa Squadron
Sabbeth Kevin Weir Support



ID Name Position
SlaYeR Blade Taylor Co-Owner
NitroooJames Keegan Kellums Co-Owner


ID Name Position Next Team
zombii Roger Deborde Team Manager Salsa Squadronlogo stdSalsa Squadron

Team Achievements

Most Wanted eSports Tournament Results
Total Prize:

Highlight Videos


See Also

External Links

